Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Today Allen and I had our fingerprints taken (once again!) and one of us passed with flying colors!! That is the good news. As expected, my fingerprints did not scan well and I will be making another trip to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Support Center sometime in the future. I watched the screen as the tech scanned each finger. The numbers that kept popping up were in the 50% range. However, the readout for both of my pinkie fingers was 0%. The woman helping me informed me that I would no doubt fail the FBI test and would receive notification of a new biometric appointment sometime in the next few weeks. The second biometric scan is automatically approved so I am anxious to just go and get it over with. Arghhhhh! This is so frustrating! I did make a few phone calls and sent an email to USCIS explaining my situation. I asked for another appointment in the near future. We'll just wait and try to be patient. (By the way, Allen's fingerprint scores were well into the 70% range.)

Meanwhile, our remodeling is almost finished. The carpet will be put in tomorrow. The bathroom tile, sink, toilet and shower are in and working!! On our way home today, Allen and I stopped by HOM to purchase a bookcase and two beds for the boys. The furniture will come next week sometime. I will post some pictures soon so you can see the (almost) finished product.

1 comment:

Allen said...

No matter what they say - I still believe that you are who you say you are! (I think)