As I try to explain to people how Allen and I came to the decision of adopting, I sometimes find myself at a loss for words. There have been so many things that have brought us to choose adoption at this point in our life. How could I possibly explain that in just a few minutes. So, for those of you who might be interested in the details of our decision to adopt, I thought I might try to tell you.
People often say, "Wow, this is wonderful, but I could never adopt, especially at this point in life!" I am quick to point out that everyone has different gifts and different callings. Adoption is NOT for everyone. It is only one of many ways to serve. Ordinary people step out in faith every day to do the things that they think God is calling them to do. I have great respect for the people that faithfully go to the workplace everyday to try to make a difference in their corner of the world. My world is a better place because of them. I also have great respect for those stay-at-home moms, engaged dads, grandmas and grandpas who sacrifice their own pursuits to give those special little people a secure and loving support system.
It is not so much the calling that matters. How you choose to answer that call is more important. I won't deny that this adoption thing is a HUGE step of faith for our family! But it is no bigger or better than any other calling. Here are 10 reasons why I believe that this is the right thing for us to do and why I have chosen to say, "Yes, God I'll accept this assignment!"
BEWARE! This is a long post. Enter at your own risk!
I have always wanted to be a mom. When I was in college, I worked hard to earn a degree, but always hoped that some day, I would be able to stay at home with my children. I suppose that is not a very popular thing to say, but well... it is true. I have been blessed in that for most of our married life I have had the choice to stay at home with our kids. There have certainly been times when I wondered if I was doing the right thing, but (for me) I have no regrets of all my years at home with our girls. I believe that there is nothing more important than to nurture children and am thankful for the chance to try this mothering thing with 3 more kids!
Things changed quite a bit this fall when Kristin went off to college. Steph became very busy and Allen and I found ourselves at home alone more often than we could ever remember! One evening, we sat in front of the TV watching things like..."The Biggest Loser", "Unsolved Mysteries" and "What Not To Wear". This is very unusual for us as our evenings are usually filled with a number of other interesting things. After several hours of staring mindlessly at the tube, we looked at each other and said, " What did we just do???" It was embarrassing to think that we could waste a good evening so easily and we didn't have the discipline to get up to do something more productive. It prompted a good discussion about what our life was going to look like in the next few years. We have nothing against "The Biggest Loser" (it's one of our favorites!). However, adoption or no adoption, we vowed that we would not spend the rest of our life watching reality TV.
Our trip to the Philippines really made us think. I went with one of the social workers to a home in the city. This family of 8 lived in a 12 x 12 room. They were so gracious and kind to me, a total stranger. They had one table, a few pots and pans and one chair. Of course, they offered the chair to me. They were part of large community where everyone shared the one water supply. It was used for both bathing and cooking. To be there, to see it and smell it was remarkable. Being in a place like that was a very good reminder for me that yes, I have so much and what can I be doing to help someone else. Most Americans have so much. This adoption is one way that we can share not only our stuff, but our lives. It is another kind of letting go, but it feels good.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 2:27 This verse is used often by people who talk of our responsibility to care for the orphans and widows. I love it because it is SO clear. It certainly doesn't mean that everyone is commanded to adopt children, but it does tell me that God is for adoption and is pleased when we choose adoption. God adopted me into His family when I had nothing to give in return. I am so thankful that I can call Him "Father".
I hate to admit it, but I am a pretty selfish person! I suppose it is all a part of our sinful nature, but I really have to fight that urge to always look out for NUMBER ONE! I read a book called "It's Not All about Me" this winter. It reminded me that I am one part of a bigger plan and purpose. I am so inspired by unselfish people. I know that this adoption adventure is part of a bigger plan that I don't even know about. I am glad to be able to be a part of it.
Let me just say that I really hate talking about politics. I basically hate any kind of conflict so when certain political things come to the surface, I flee if I can. Social issues like abortion is one of them. My value system and what I believe God says about abortion is the framework for my convictions. I am pro-life and am grieved by the issue of abortion. I am also grieved by the negative way people attack clinics (and medical personnel) who participate in this. For me, adoption is a positive way to say that all life is valuable.
Most people want to know that when life is over, they made a positive contribution in this world. I am no different. Allen and I are not perfect when it comes to parenting, but (on most days) we like it and think that having more kids is a good fit for us. We will hopefully make a difference in their lives. I know that they will make difference in ours!
This winter, our church went through a series called "Walk Across The Room". We all become very comfortable with our lives, our friends, our routines that we often don't even see the people around us who really need us. It means going outside of our comfort zone to include someone else. It sometimes means helping others to meet God in a personal way. Anyway, it was a good series and made me think of walking across the room or in this case, walking across the world to help three children to know God and discover all that He has for them.
Adopting 3 children is a big commitment, but we believe that we are surrounded by a great support system. Let me start with my family. First of all, we have three great daughters who have already shown amazing support and encouragement. I know that both sets of parents and extended families will be very accepting of our Filipino children. I've seen the acceptance again and again over the years. We are so fortunate to have so many friends that are always willing to encourage or lend a hand. I couldn't say enough about the wonderful friends that we have! Our church family is filled with people who have experienced the miracle of adoption. Not only is this good for our new children, but for us as we relearn the ropes of parenting young children again. Our schools and community in general have already been so helpful to us as we prepare for the kids' arrival. God has indeed blessed us with an exceptional support system. It makes this adventure not so scary knowing that we have so many people who will walk through it with us.
I could probably write an entire chapter on this reason alone. There is so much that I could say about GRACE. I must say that over the years, SO many people have shown me mercy and grace. I know that I haven't always deserved it, but it has been much appreciated and has helped to change me for the better. I also know that in my life, God has shown grace to me over and over again. I never deserve it here either. To rescue me, to forgive me with no strings attached is unselfish, compassionate and loving. This adoption is one way I can PAY IT FORWARD and try to show the same kind of grace that I have received. I think it is maybe the best reason that this adoption is the right thing for us to do.
I wish I had made a list of why we chose adoption but yours says it all so perfectly. I could just cut and paste yours on my blog!
(I won't)
Thanks for sharing your top ten list with us! Mine would be very similar.
Could you let me know what Julie Swenson's blog address is?
Thanks for coming to the the luncheon today. It was nice to have your support.
Your list captures what we all think and feel perfectly, thank you so much for sharing this.
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