Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today I got a call from Marlys Healy. She and her husband "run the ship" at CSC. Marlys serves as the medical director and had some medical questions for me. It was so fun to talk with her about our kids. Evidently, Romeo has indicated an interest in medicine. He and Rodrigo were recently in to see the doctor. At one point Dr. Onate turned to his assistant and said, "Romeo wants to be a doctor someday... just like his Dad." Marlys said that Romeo perked up immediately and started grinning from ear to ear. How sweet and wonderful to hear stories like these about our kids.

I have been blessed to know so many people in my lifetime whom I respect. Some of them are only a memory and some of them are reading this blog. These people have helped to encourage me in my faith and shape my convictions. I am so grateful for them. I have known about Paul and Marlys Healy for a long time, but I didn't actually get to know them until we visited CSC last January. They are truly amazing people. Marlys and Paul started the Children's Shelter of Cebu about 30 years ago from nothing but a calling from God. The shelter now includes two homes for children, a teen home, and the Children of Hope School (with plans for new construction in the future). I know that they are greatly respected among their colleagues and other officials in the Philippines. They have accomplished so much and served so many people in their lifetime. But the thing that I am most impressed with is their faithfulness to what they believe has been God's calling for their lives. Their decision to live in the Philippines and care for orphans has required great sacrifice. They work extremely hard and routinely face impossible situations, but their attitude is steadfast and positive. They are indeed an inspiration to me.

When we visited the CSC last winter, Marlys picked us up from the airport. We asked her to tell us the story of how the Children's Shelter of Cebu started. She and Paul were there from Day One. It is truly an amazing story of how God provided just what they needed when they needed it. It is an incredible faith story. Later in the week, one of my daughter commented about our van ride from the airport to the shelter. She said, " I knew after just 5 minutes that I was in the presence of a true hero." I couldn't have agreed with her more. I thank God for people like Marlys and Paul who have given their entire life by answering God's call to defend and care for the fatherless. They are heroes to me.

"Do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more." Psalm 10:18

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