Today we celebrated Roselyn's 16th birthday. Her real birthday is on March 4, but today was the day our family could get together. My Mom and Dad AND! my sister, Nancy joined us for lunch! After cake and ice cream, we moved to the living room to open gifts. It takes a little longer now as everyone usually has something to share.
Highlights for the day...
*Watching my newest daughter as we gathered around to support and affirm her. It is hard to believe that I didn't even know her one year ago. I am sorry that we missed out on the first 15 years of her life. She is a beautiful young woman with so much promise and potential. I am excited to see where God leads her.
*Watching Roselyn smile. It lights up the room.
*Sharing our celebration with my sister. It is important to me that our new kids know our extended family. That is difficult to do in a big family gathering. I appreciated the effort that she took to be here. When I asked the kids about her later, they described her as "fun". Yep, she sure is. Thanks, Nance.
Downers for the day...
*Kristin was missing.
Wow, these pictures make me miss home so much!! It looks like a fun time. My sisters are beautiful people. :)
What a great celebration! Roselyn sure is a beautiful girl-inside and out! So glad she had a fun day and I know she will have a great year as a 16 year old!! Happy Birthday to Roselyn from the Berg's!
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