Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Every Thanksgiving I try to think of something new and different that I am especially thankful for. The only rule is that it cannot be my family. My family kind of trumps everything so they unfortunately get taken out of the mix... Some years it is about some event that happened. Other years, it is a person. Once in a while it is even something.

This year, the winner is the circle of friends that I have been so graciously blessed with. I can't tell you the times that I have been pulled out of "the depths of despair" by the encouragement of one of my friends. From a kind word in passing to a sit down get-it-off-my-chest marathon...my friends have been such a support to me this last year.

I have friends that have known me so long that they can just look at me and...just know. There is an understanding that comes with aging and a shared history. We all experience accomplishments and struggles. Things we are proud of and other things we are ashamed of. We understand the bittersweet feelings of letting our children go. We forget how old we are...until we catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror! To my longtime (not old!) friends, I sure do love you. You accept me with all my warts, bumps and bruises and keep inviting me to coffee. Thanks for not giving up on me. I am thankful for you!

Then...there are my new friends. Adding three children to our family has widened my circle of friends in ways that I never imagined. I have met many new friends through basketball, baseball, tennis and school activities. I'm sure the list will get longer as our youngest kids work their way through their school years. Among my new friends are other adoptive moms. There is a special understanding and a special bond that I feel with these ladies. Just when I think my issues are unique and no one could possibly know what I'm talking about...one of my special friends shares a similar story. They will cry with me. They will laugh with me. I always feel better after being with them. To my new friends - I don't know how I might have managed this last year without your encouragement and love. You are very dear to me!

All in all, I have been blessed with such a great support system of friends. They give me perspective, hope and lots of reasons to laugh. They help me see the big picture and have helped me to experience God's grace over and over again. Anyway, to all of you...and YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!...YOU are my Thanksgiving winners this year and I thank God for bringing you into my life! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to YOU!


Jody said...

It was good to see you at the movie....wasn't it good! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I am very excited for the 18th! Thanks for being a blessing to me!!

The dB family said...

Hi There!

I am excited to find your blog! I even spent some time reading older posts. Your posts reflect many of the feelings, fears, and excitement that I have been feeling about our adoption.

Canada's route to adoption is much longer than yours, so we are still a long way off. We are approved by our social worker for a sibling group of two (maybe three?), but we're waiting to see what the Ontario government will say.

May you have a very blessed Thanksgiving weekend!