Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This week was a week of appointments for me. I saw a physical therapist, eye doctor and audiologist. Of the three, my eyes and ears were of greatest concern. My children have gently (or not so gently) suggested that I am losing my hearing. I guess that is better than losing my mind! I was however beginning to wonder myself. In my own defense, I have noticed that this seems to happen primarily in my own home. If you know my family at all, you know that most of us are quite soft-spoken. That DOES NOT include Romeo and Rodrigo! I also sometimes miss things because I am so distracted or not really listening. My thing is that they (my husband and daughters) all just need to SPEAK UP a bit!! Well, I finally made the appointment because I wanted to know the truth. After all the testing, the audiologist said the my hearing is perfectly normal and I have NO hearing loss!! The words were like music to my ears! (No pun intended!) Yeah!!! That is the good news!

The bad news is that I ordered my first pair of bifocals today. Ughh! No. Wait. They are called "progressive" lenses. You know, so you can't see the line between the reading lens and the regular lens. Mostly, I am just a very vain person who doesn't want to look old. One more thing - Romeo is also getting glasses. My glasses cost twice as much as his. That is the double bad news! I really want to grow old gracefully, but I am kicking and screaming all the way. Not sure if that is good or bad!?


Ira said...

The pun is ingenious!

Anonymous said...

Mary, it is ok!!! No one will notice except you. After being with Rigo alone yesterday, I am thrilled that you won't miss his intentional curious questions about so many things. He is a "delight". (I am actually glad that Ken was gone so that I could "catch up" with their "routine",) what a riot! rox