Thursday, September 24, 2009


This summer we had a few little science projects going. I meant to blog about them at the time, but just didn't get around to it.
1. First one was a next that was in the bush right
next to our house. All we had to do was gently brush the branches away and...there they were! Five little birdies!

2. The second project was watching a caterpillar turn into a monarch butterfly. Another fun project!

3. We found the last bit of nature hanging from our roof. We usually get our fair share of bees and hornets at the end of the summer. This year was no exception. One day, when I was out mowing, I upset a nest of bees. It was actually quite frightening. I screamed and started to run when I realized what was happening. I was stung 5 times and (wow!)... did it hurt! (Romeo had been stung earlier in the day as well.) Allen and the boys came running from the other side of the house to see what the ruckus was all about. The nest was on the ground and it was pretty obvious that I had made these little guys pretty mad. As we were looking at the nest, Rigo spotted this hive in the peak of our house. It made the ground nest look very small and insignificant.
The hive is still there. The bees are bothering no one. Our plan is to wait until it freezes, take it down and give it to Lindsay for her 4th graders! Maybe wrap it up for Christmas!! :) For what it's worth, it is a very interesting hive and I'm sure she will be thrilled to have it....or not.

Monday, September 21, 2009


This weekend was the annual Turkey Days in Worthington (the small town in southwestern Minnesota where Allen and I grew up). At one time, the town was known as the Turkey Capitol of the World! Not so much now. I doubt if there is anyone who even owns a turkey in the area. No matter. The Turkey Day celebration lives on and we were there to witness the day. We arrived on Saturday morning just in time to see Allen's dad cross the finish line in a 10K race. Good job, John! It was fun to see you run!

We spent a few minutes skipping rocks at Lake Okabena with boys. It was a beautiful day and just standing and looking out at the lake brought a flood of memories for both Allen and me. To go back to a time of your life that is so distant and so different is...weird. It's a world that one in my current world (besides Allen and maybe our parents) knows anything about. It seems SO long ago! I guess it was.
Part of the Turkey Day festivities includes a turkey race. Our Worthington turkey (Paycheck) races a turkey from Texas (Ruby Begonia) for the prize. This year Paycheck won! It's all kind of ridiculous, but it's what we do in rural Minnesota. The two highlights of the parade for me was watching the Worthington High Marching Band go by and the Class of '79 float. Allen and I were both in the band. Our band days hold a lot of great memories for us. I think I even cried the last time I marched down Main Street

Turkey Day!!! Pathetic, but true!

The other great moment in the afternoon was when the Class of "79 float (otherwise identified as an undecorated flatbed!) came by. I chose not to ride the float, but was excited to see my old classmates come down the street. I cheered for them as I strained to see who was on the float. They were doing the "wave". Clever. Actually, it looked like they were all having a great time, but I quickly realized that I was having trouble recognizing anyone. I turned to Allen and said, "Who are those people??? I have no idea who they are!!!" I could recognize only two of my classmates. Reality had hit! My high school friends are getting OLD! It is truly amazing what happens to the body over 30 years!
Later in the day, we met in the park for an informal 30th reunion. It was there, where I got up close and personal to those strangers on the float that it all started to come back to me. Oh yeah...I could finally recognize my old classmates. For some, the hair had disappeared. For others, it had turned a different color - mostly grey! Some had gained weight...others just shifted it around. For most of us, the faces were what changed the most. They were different, older with more lines and wrinkles...and yet familiar. The thing that didn't seem to change was personalities. It was all very interesting. It made me realize how important those three or four years of high school were in shaping us into who we would become. It really was pretty fun going back to revisit that time in my life.

Word is...we are going to have a 33rd reunion. I think I'll go!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


It seems that many of our conversations these days center around how BUSY we all are. It has always bothered me when people go on and on about how crazy their life is... I mean, really! There is an implication that...a busy person is an...important person. On the other hand, I am so inspired by those people who are SUPER busy and never speak of their busyness. I see it as an act of humility. Whatever you call it, I admire the self control that it takes to avoid talking about it.

It is certainly true that we are all very busy and I do my fair share of complaining about the busyness of life. is good for me to hear what other people are busy with, because I sometimes think that no one could possibly be busier than ME!! I think that God is constantly reminding me that I am NOT the only busy person in this world. I'm convinced that most people think that there is no one busier than them. I think that God is maybe trying to tell me, "Yes, you do have a busy and complicated life Mary, but take a look around! You are surrounded by many, many people who are struggling to keep their heads above water... TOO. Slow down, take a deep breath and try to enjoy the day!"

I am constantly working on being a grateful and content person. It's pretty hard because basically...I want it all!! Part of that journey for me is not focusing on the things I didn't accomplish today. There is SO much to do and SO little time to do it. It has meant lowering my expectations. But wait! I tell my kids all the time that all I expect is their best. Maybe their best is not being THE best. Maybe my best is not being THE best. Maybe I need to lower my expectations of myself. It's hard for me. What will people think?

I have a really busy day. They are all really busy days. But here I sit, writing about how busy I am! What am I thinking???!!! Actually, I need to go get something done! Wow! Did any of that make sense???

God, help me to accomplish the things that are most important and not to worry about the rest. Help me to see the good things in my children and not only their flaws. Help me to appreciate people. Help me to cut myself some slack and be content in spite of a busy, busy life. Help me not to complain because...that is not the kind of person that I want to be!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Everyone is back at it. It was a good first week of school! Busy, but good. This is a year of change for many of us-myself included.

The BOYS were up and dressed to go by 6:30 last Tuesday. They were very excited and a bit nervous as well. Romeo was the first to leave the house. He needs to leave the house by 7:30 in order to get to the middle school on time. He is riding with one of our neighbors. So far, he has been up and at 'em on time. Besides a new school...he has several teachers (instead of one) this year. Lots of changes for this boy, but he seems to be doing well. He took the bus (for something different) yesterday. That was a new and exciting adventure, I'm sure. I hear that there is lots of homework in 6th grade, but we are ready. I am on homework duty for Romeo... so bring it on! We took the kids to their first football game last night. If you are familiar with the Cambridge football games, you will know that there is a hill behind the stands where a sea of middle school kids hang out and run amok. There is very little attention to the game, but they seem to love the freedom. It didn't take long for him to find a friend to run around with. When he came to check in with us, he was drenched with sweat from running around. I had to laugh...all boy. Mr. Social Butterfly was invited to a friends house after the game to "hang out". So it begins.

Rodrigo started first grade on Tuesday. I brought our baby to his classroom on Tuesday. He was proudly wearing his Spiderman backpack and light-up shoes. We were the first ones to his classroom. His teacher's name is Mrs. Christenson and according to Rigo, she's "very nice"! I would have to agree. We are very happy with his placement. She told him to pick a desk to sit at and without hesitation, he (of course) chose a desk that was front and center. I'll have to admit-he was SO CUTE. Other than not keeping his hands to himself, he has had a great week!! We saw Mrs. Christenson at the football game last night. As he and I walked home, I asked Rigo if he was surprised to see Mrs. C at the game. He said, "Yes! I didn't know she go to football game." Like most 1st graders, he didn't realize that his teacher had a life outside of school. He evidently thought she lived at the primary school.

At the high school, only the incoming 9th graders attend on Tuesday. Some of the upper class men are part of a welcoming crew to help the transition go as smoothly as possible. This group is called LINK CREW and Steph was one of those people. She had to be at the school by 7:30 that day. It sounded like a fun and productive day! I was proud of the fact that she was chosen. Anyway, Tuesday was her first real day of school. She has a good schedule, including an art class (that's a first!). The interesting thing about that is that Bjork's dad is the teacher! Small world. Swimming is in full swing and the girls have won their first three meets. All in all, Steph had a great week and having junior status seems to agree with her!

Roselyn was the only kid in our house that got to sleep in on Tuesday. (That is why she is not in the picture. She was still sleeping!) She and I met some friends for lunch that day. It was nice to have one last day to do something fun. Wednesday was her first day and it was a good day. She has first lunch which she is not very happy about, but other than that...things are off to a good start for her! She has algebra, US history, biology and choir. Allen is on homework duty for Roselyn. They spent at least 2 hours working on homework Wednesday night! Tennis has been a great activity for Roselyn. She is making great strides and continues to improve. We have had some beautiful afternoons to watch her play! It was so much fun to watch her at the football game last night. It didn't take long for her to find some friends to sit with. ...a good week for Rose!

Kristin's big news is that she is has started the nursing program at Bethel! We are so excited for her. She had to buy some scrubs this summer. That was kind of an adventure in itself. How does one look professional AND fashionable when you are a nurse? Cross country is in full swing and she is feeling great and doing well. We watched her last weekend at her first meet. She looked great. Running makes her happy. The women's cross country team has great potential this year. It will be fun to see how far they go?? Meanwhile, Kristin's special someone (Pete) started medical school at UMD. It has been fun to talk to Pete and remember back to those first days when Allen started his medical career. I know that Pete will do well. In spite of a rigorous academic schedule I have a feeling that there will be few trips back and forth to Duluth this year!

Lindsay started school with her own classroom of 4th graders as Mrs. Ostrom. How exciting! We stopped in last week to take a peek at her classroom at Edgerton Elementary. Everything was in its place and she was looking forward to the first day of class. She has already shared some great stories about her experiences. We are so proud of her. I only wish I could be a little mouse in her classroom! Now that school has started, Bjork will be working with lots of kids as he continues to work Youth Frontiers. He is part of a team of people that lead character retreats for school-age children. My plan is to attend one of the retreats this year to see him in action. I hope I can make it work!

Anyway...our entire family is busy with the start of school. For me? I started working at the high school on Wednesdays again last week. I really do love working one day a week. When I am not there...I am just trying to get things done at home after a summer of constant activity. I was very ready for the school year to start this time around. Having everyone in school means more freedom for me. Maybe it means more time to start blogging again? I think it will mean an occasional lunch with Allen. I'm pretty excited about that!

There. There is my first week of school recap. Hope you had a great week as well!!