Guest Writer... and My Best Friend! - Allen Mork
I have been granted an opportunity to post a blog entry and because I love this blog (and it's author!), I will do my best to not mess it up!
Overall, I see this past year as one of tremendous growth-growth for each of our kids, our family and for me personally. Growth can be very exciting and fun - but it also means change... which can be challenging and sometimes even painful. With that in mind, I've listed a few of my memories from this past year.
*STITCHES: 3 daughters times about 22 years - none; Rodrigo - 6 hours, Romeo - 3 weeks!
*FISH HOOKS: used frequently this year on the river and at the cabin; we all dodged a few except for one Rapala which found flesh on Romeo's forearm.
*BEDTIME: my favorite time of the day - reading books, telling Fibber Jibber stories, talking with Roselyn, back rubs for Steph.
*TWINS BASEBALL: a shared love for the team and the game.
*HEAD TRAUMA (to me): hit by baseballs, snowballs, basketballs, a canoe paddle, elbows, light sabers and swords!
*THE WEDDING: Amazing! Beautiful bride/family! Great ceremony, reception and square dance!
*RICE: Not thrown at the wedding but we certainly eat more of it!
*HOMEWORK: A lot of it, but I think I finally understand Algebra!
*NOISE: There is more...a lot more!
*LAUNDRY: See above.
*FATIGUE: See above.
*DISCIPLINE: We have great kids but this remains a constant challenge for us.
*CARS - THE SOUNDTRACK: heard perhaps a couple of hundred times this past year!
*SMELLY SOCKS: Brings back (unpleasant!) memories of my brothers!
*STAR WARS: The battle rages on!
*JOY: I saved the best for last. The most lasting memory I will have of this year is seeing the look on one of our kid's faces as they "snuggle" in with their mom to read a book, watch a movie or go to sleep.
Having a bigger family is definitely more stressful and tiring than I could have ever imagined but is truly the most rewarding and meaningful thing I have ever done. I love being a dad and I would not trade our crew for anything! Thanks to all of our family and friends for your love, support and prayers. We could not have made it through this year without you!