Today was "80's" day at CIHS. The idea was to dress up in a 1980's get-up. I will probably take some heat for posting this, but it was too cute to pass up. I kept trying to think..."Did I look like that in 1983?" I did offer to let Steph wear my wedding dress, which I KNOW was authentic! but she declined. Smart girl.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
1980 something...
Today was "80's" day at CIHS. The idea was to dress up in a 1980's get-up. I will probably take some heat for posting this, but it was too cute to pass up. I kept trying to think..."Did I look like that in 1983?" I did offer to let Steph wear my wedding dress, which I KNOW was authentic! but she declined. Smart girl.
Being a parent... No. Being a GOOD parent means that you have to say NO on occasion. It might even mean saying "NO" quite often...several times a several kids (as in our case) for a variety of reasons. The challenge is to say "NO" with a certain amount of confidence, to do it in a nice way, somehow appear to be positive and to not worry about the fallout. Sometimes it is for something that seems very insignificant. Other times, it is more important. As your children get older, the "NO's" are less frequent but the stakes get higher and for me, it becomes harder to draw the line.
I don't have deep thoughts about all of this other than to mention that this is something that kind of gets me down. My job as a parent is not to be popular, but I wouldn't mind if once in a while I would hear..."Thanks Mom, for saying NO. I know that you love me and you are trying to help me make good decisions." It just ain't going to happen. Not now, anyway. I will (however) say... that having older (more mature) children helps in this area. The "thank yous" are more frequent and heartfelt. It also makes me want to say "thanks" to my own parents (again) for hangin' in there with me and weathering those storms with me when I was growing up.
A few years ago, a friend of mine shared this reading with me. It came at a time when I was pretty discouraged about my parenting skills, etc... It was then, and still is a very encouraging piece. I pull it out every once in a while. Parenting is a marathon and there are no guarantees. Saying NO is certainly part of that process. It is more important to know that I did the right thing than to be the coolest parent in town, right?? I have to keep telling myself that!!
Disclaimer: This piece refers to the teenage years. It in no way is a reflection on the teenagers in my own house. We have (and have had) both "cats and dogs" running around our house for many years. It comes and it goes. (I guess I might even say that I am more of a "cat" than a "dog" on certain days!)
San Francisco Chronicle
Adair Lara
I just realized that while children are dogs - loyal and affectionate - teenagers are cats. It's so easy to be a dog owner. You feet it, train it, and boss it around. It puts its head on your knee and gazes at you as if you were a Rembrandt painting. It bounds indoors with enthusiasm when you call it.
Then, around age 13, your adoring little puppy turns into a big old cat. When you tell it to come inside, it looks amazed, as if wondering who died and made you emperor. Instead of dogging your foot steps, it disappears. You won't see it again until it gets hungry - then it pauses on its nose up at whatever you're serving. When you reach out to ruffle its head, in that old affectionate gesture, it twists away from you, then gives you a blank stare, as if trying to remember where it has seen you before.
You not realizing that the dog is now a cat, think something must be desperately wrong with it. It seems so antisocial, so distant, sort of depressed. It won't go on family outings.
Since you're the one who raised it taught it to fetch and stay and sit on command, you assume that you did something wrong. Flooded with guilt and fear, you redouble your efforts to make your pet behave.
Only now you're dealing with a cat, so everything that worked before now produces the opposite of the desired result. Call it, and it runs away. Tell it to sit, and it jumps on the counter, the more you go toward it, wringing your hands, the more it moves away.
Instead of continuing to act like a dog owner, you can learn to behave like a cat owner. Put a dish of food near the door, and let it come to you. But remember that a cat needs your help and your affection too. Sit still, and it will come seeking that warm, comforting lap it has not entirely forgotten. Be there to open the door for it.
One day, your grown-up child will walk into the kitchen; give you a big kiss and say, "You've been on your feet all day. Let me get those dishes for you." Then you'll realize your cat is a dog again.
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Romeo is in traveling basketball. He has practice two nights a week and has Saturday tournaments. This is a whole new world for us. Our sporting world has consisted of swimming, cross country, track, a little soccer and softball. These tournaments are a new thing to us and WOW! it makes for a long day.
Today the boys were in Mora. Allen and Romeo left the house at 9:30 a.m. and got home around 8:00 p.m. They played four games throughout the day. It is a great time to get to know other families, but it sure is time-consuming. Allen and I are pleased with the nice boys that Romeo gets to play with... They have been so welcoming and encouraging to him. I am sure we have many more tournaments in our future.
Meanwhile, the rest of us made a visit to the marathon wrestling tournament that was going on in Cambridge. Homework, shopping, friends and errands filled the rest of the day. I am pleased to report that I even started a book tonight. (It's my first since our new kids came!)
Yesterday, I brought Kristin and her good friend, Kayla to the airport. They have begun a study abroad adventure in Seville, Spain. The two will be living together with a single woman and studying Spanish for the next four months. Lindsay was part of a similar program a few years back. She lived just blocks where Kristin will now be living! At any rate, these two girls are going to have a great time while they are away. We are very thankful that Kayla decided to join Kristin. According to Kristin, Kayla is much more advanced in her Spanish speaking skills. This will no doubt come in very handy as the two make their way around Seville.

Last Sunday evening we had a farewell dinner for Kristin. Lindsay and I made a few Spanish dishes to celebrate her upcoming adventure! We finished off the meal with a yummy fondue! (All firsts I might add for our Filipino kids!)
We got a call at about 5 a.m. this morning to let us know they had made it to Seville. Other than missing luggage, the trip went well. Kristin gave me permission to share her blog address in case you are interested in her travels. Make sure to comment if you visit her site! It is :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tonight I asked Rodrigo if he could tell me about two stories in the Bible. (We had just read about Adam and Eve.) His answer...Adam?!, Curious George and God. I liked the Curious George answer but realized that we have a little work to do!
Monday, January 19, 2009

The wedding preparations are going quite well, thank you! Lindsay and Bjork have been very organized, thoughtful and sensible in their planning. I don't want to give too much away but it might be fun to have some idea what we have been up to the wedding department. Lindsay, Kristin, Bjork's mom(Vicky), and I all went to the Minneapolis Convention Center for a big Wedding Fair. It was a fun outing for the four of us. It was fun for Vicky and me to look at all the stuff with the girls and it was great that Kristin could come. (She is leaving Friday for Spain and will be gone until the middle of May!) Anyway...there were cakes, photographers, vacation ideas, invitations, florists, jewelry, dresses, prizes, tuxedos... You name it. If it had anything to do with getting married, it was there. There was even a big band playing with ballroom dancers! It was a bit overwhelming. Vicky and I were asked (several times) if we were a bride-to-be! We got a kick out of that! :) It was a lot of fun!!
Another thing we have been talking about is the music for the wedding and reception. We had a great time trying to help choose a song for the father-daughter dance. One evening, Allen, Lindsay and I had a great time listening to potential tunes (mostly sappy, I might add). I didn't think of it until later, but it was one of those memories that Allen and I will cherish forever - just the three of us! They even did a little practice know, just to get the beat right.
The last wedding fun was to drag MY wedding dress out for a little look-see. I know that I loved my dress 26 years ago when I chose it, but when the girls pulled it out, I couldn't help but say to myself..."What was I thinking?? Was this really the style in 1983?" There were so many...frills and so much lace!! I tried my dress on, Lindsay tried it on and even Roselyn gave it a try. There was lots of giggles during this part of the evening. Oh well, it was fun and it reminded me of how quickly time goes by. Allen (bless his heart!) kept saying that he thought the dress was beautiful. I didn't really believe him, but it did make me feel a little better. If any of you were married in the 80's, please tell me that I wasn't too off the mark. I am feeling a little insecure about this...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The other day, I realized that in order to preserve some sanity, Romeo needed to get outside and burn off some energy. It had snowed and there was shoveling that needed to be done so I told him that he would need to go outside. He asked if Rodrigo also had to shovel and protested a bit when I said that his little brother would stay inside with me. To make it sound better, I told him that Rodrigo would also be helping with a special job. (I was just making this up and had no idea what special job I would assign.) The first thing I could think of toilets. I had no intention of making the poor tot clean toilets, but I thought the boys would think this was funny so I told them that Rodrigo's job was to clean the toilets. Romeo let out a big GROAN and suddenly realized that shoveling snow was not such a bad idea. Rodrigo, on the other hand, shouted out a great big..."YES!!!!!!!!!" He was truly happy about this assignment and made a beeline to his bathroom where all the supplies were waiting for him.
Rodrigo and I cleaned all of the toilets together. At one point when he wasn' t looking, I took the brush to do a little cleaning of my own. He turn around and said, "MOM, that is MY JOB!" I quickly handed over the brush and let him do his magic. No kidding! Rodrigo really likes to clean toilets! I wrote down some of what he said that day... "We clean Stephanie's toilet now?...Stephanie's toilet is very dirty...I love to clean toilets, Mom!"
Rodrigo will often tell me that something is dirty. He likes things to be tidy. Today he was digging in my silverware drawer and informed me that..."This is dirty, Mom". He then proceeded to pull everything out, wash it, and reorganize my drawer. He walked by his waste basket the other day and asked if I would empty it because he thought it was too full! It is a little embarrassing to me that my 6 year old son feels the need to clean up after me, but hey, I think that I am going to just go with it! I wonder what this could mean??!! Maybe he'll own a cleaning service...or be a mail sorter...or a rocket scientist!!! I think he will be meticulous no matter what path he chooses. Really. It doesn't matter to me as long as he comes back occasionally to help me clean my toilets.
Last night, some kind people gave us some food. I made the transfer to the trunk of our car while everyone was at church. I was reminded of it when I got back into the car as I noticed the odor of food. I made a mental note to bring it in when we got home. When we pulled into the garage, we all hurried into the house because it was SO cold.
...Several hours later...Allen and I had had a long day (most Wednesdays are like this!) and we were getting ready for a long winter's sleep. I was nestled warm in my bed and Allen had settled in with his book. There is something SO wonderful and cozy about ending the day in the safety of your own room in your own snugly bed. It was at that moment that I remembered the food in the back of my car!
I looked at Allen and smiled, "Allen, how much do you love me???" He, of course was on to me right away and asked what I wanted. I sheepishly told him about the food in the back of my car. He groaned. I half-heartedly volunteered to go get it, knowing all the while that he would never let me do it. Sure enough, he got out of bed, tromped out to the car (in the -20 degree weather) and rescued the food. Last night I vowed to tell my story and let everyone know what a great guy I have! This story only scratches the surface of all the things Allen does for me/us... but it was worth repeating. Thanks sweetheart! You are my hero!!
I was up early this morning to check the school closings. I saw this on the weather report and it looked like an easy and fun I went outside at 7 am to try it.
Boil some water for about two minutes. Pour it into a mug. Walk outside and fling the water into the air. As it hits the cold air, it will immediately turn from water to snow/ice crystals, it looks pretty cool! It might be a fun activity for your kids who are waiting to go to school! The weather man suggested putting some food coloring in the water. I can't wait to show my boys. They will love it! Isn't it GREAT living in Minnesota??!!!!
I heard on the the news today that Fitness Magazine named Salt Lake City as the fittest city in the US. That is all great and fine, but guess who No. 2 is?? Minneapolis! Wow! That is a nice little feather in our cap! That is just another reason why I am proud to live in Minnesota. We are evidently quite HEARTY here on the frozen tundra. The least fit city???... Miami! Go figure!
My word to you today is to go out, EMBRACE THE COLD and BE FIT!
Monday, January 12, 2009
People ask me how things are going with our kids. I am not always sure what to say because there are so many ways I could respond. I will say that (now that the holidays are over) things do seem to be settling down a bit. We are all getting into a routine and getting used to the NEW normal. Sometimes I even forget what the OLD normal looked liked. I think that we WERE very busy with life. That part hasn't changed. It's our focus that has changed. We have six schedules to worry about instead of three. Add in the two that don't live at home and that means a lot of running here and there and everywhere. Basketball, wrestling, church, school, friends, an occasional trip to Target, homework, dentist and doctor appointments, lunch dates with Lindsay and Kristin, visits to Grandpa and Grandma, and planning a wedding! These are the things that keep us hoppin'. I really don't think that we are busier than anyone else. EVERYONE is busy, it seems. It is just that our busy has changed.
Here are a few little things that have changed...
*Bread never molds at our house.
*Bananas never get brown.
*The washing machine is going...constantly.
*Bedtime has dramatically changed. No more "What Not to Wear" before bed!
*Lots of Disney Movies for us. (Lots of sleeping for some of us during movies! Some things never change!)
*So much talk about Star Wars, Jedi Knights and light sabers!
*Stinky boy socks!!!
*Ripped out knees in pants.
*Morning checklist: hat, gloves, snow pants, snow boots, completed homework, snacks!
*Lots of bandaids.
*I regularly drink coffee in the morning! THAT is a change!
*Allen and I are in constant communication about schedule changes, strategies for parenting and discipline issues. (And I thought we communicated well before our addition!)
*I am learning to let go of the things that I can't control.
*We are hanging on tight to the things that mean most to us.
One thing that is continuing to change is our relationships. Bonding takes a long time and trust takes (maybe) even longer. I think that we are all learning to read each other better. When is Dad joking? When does Mom really mean it?! Is he/she in a bad mood or just thinking about something? Was that disrespectful or am I not understanding a cultural way of communicating? Is this ok?? Communication is very complicated for any family, but I do feel like we are beginning to understand and appreciate each other. I am excited to think of all we might learn in the next year. I'm also excited to think of how we might change in the next year. I'm not sure how God is changing us, but I do know something good is happening. At the very least, it has become necessary to think a little less about ourselves and a little more about the others in this group of people we That is change that we all should constantly be working toward.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
SATURDAY MORNING PRAYER - "Dear God, Thank you that mom will have a date today...and Dad too. Thank you that Bjork will come today. Amen."
Allen and I went on our first overnight outing since we got back from the Philippines. It was a Christmas gift from our girls. For some reason, our new kids think it is SO funny when Dad and Mom go ON A DATE. They seem to like it! Anyway, Allen and I had a nice time away and everything seemed to go well here at home as well. Rigo's prayers are short and to the point. It's not too hard to guess what he is thinking when he prays, because it comes right to the surface. It makes me smile!
PRAYER FOR TONIGHT - "Dear God, Thank you we go sledding...I make my bed...we eat pizza. Amen."
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our last family gathering happened on the Monday after Christmas. We celebrated in St. Cloud with Allen's family. It was a special time as we have not all been together for...a long time (maybe years?). Allen's parents along with his youngest brother, Bill (and family) made the trip back to Minnesota from Arizona this year.
We have many of the same traditions...singing, games, dinner and a gift exchange. I love the singing part because Allen's mom plays the piano for us. She is an accomplished pianist who can sit down and play just about anything anyone might suggest. Now that I think of it, I wouldn't mind if we all stopped singing and just listened to her play!! Anyway, it was a rare treat to be together.
It was fun to add two boy cousins in the mix of the next Mork generation. Up until now, it has only been girls. We are excited to think that our boys could carry on the Mork name! I was happy to snap a shot of Allen and his two brothers. Believe it or not, Allen is the shortest of the three boys. Hard to believe, but easy to see when you look at the picture. What a fun day for the brothers to reconnect! I hope we have the opportunity to get together again soon.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
WooHoo!!! Lindsay got a long term sub job today! She will be at Edgerton Elementary School in Maplewood teaching 3rd grade. She will begin her job at the beginning of February for two months. Who knows what other doors it might open? The school is very near to where she is currently living and she even gets her own Smart Board!! Everyone at 6th Avenue in Cambridge is thrilled for you, Linds!! Even Romeo and Rodrigo were yelling and screaming about it today!! We're so proud of you! Congrats!

A few days after Christmas, my extended family got together at my brother's house in Forest Lake. There were 43 of us! Lots of babies, new children and new in-laws were added to the mix this year. It was fun! One of the traditions we have is to sing "The 12 Days of Christmas". A group of 3 or 4 claim a day/number and sings only at that time of the song. My mom, dad and Bjork got..."a partridge in a pear tree" and did a beautiful job belting out the words each time we got to their part. It is very silly but we look forward to it every year. At the request of some of my nieces and nephews, I decided to post a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.
I can't imagine what my parents must think when they look around at their big family. I do believe that they thoroughly enjoy it!
Monday, January 5, 2009

On the morning of Christmas Eve, I woke up to a small Filipino boy staring in my face with a big smile on his face. He said, "Mom! Are you ready for an exciting day?!!" It pretty much made my day and I will never forget it.
Our family tradition goes like this - Christmas Eve church service, dinner (my parents often join us), a time of sharing and exchanging gifts. We usually stay up late and open stockings on Christmas morning, then enjoy a quiet day at home together. It was definitely different this year with all of our additions. There was a lot of commotion and some confusion at times, but I can honestly say that it felt...right. It was our first Christmas together as a complete family.
The light sabers made an stunning appearance, along with 2 hermit crabs, our first bionicle and Gator Golf! It just doesn't get any better than this!! :) Sorry about all the pictures! I just couldn't help myself!!

NEW YEAR'S EVE - DEC. 31, 2007
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Kristin headed back to Bethel for interim tonight. I was really sad. Sometimes you don't realize how good things are until they are gone. The last two weeks have been so much fun. It has been SO great to have Kristin (Lindsay and Bjork too!) around. I believe that a good piece of family bonding has taken place because everyone has been so intentional about building those important relationship and simply spending time together.
From the minute Kristin arrived home to the time she left today, she was busy with the kids. The first order of business was to go sledding with the boys when they got home from school. She had a great time! They had a great time! I had a great time just watching them! She was reading a book to Rodrigo (and me!) when her ride came today.
Pastor Bob talked today about how we all need each other to get Families are no different and today I was especially thankful for my big family. Each person fills a special role in creating a good environment for us to learn and grow. None of us is perfect, and (believe me!) we have our moments! But I feel like we are at least all headed in the same direction and trying to connect in ways that only families do. Today, as Kristin drove away, I cried. I know that it is healthy for children to leave home and find their way, but the process is definitely bittersweet. She will be back and the journey will continue.
Our family is growing up (myself included!). It is in moments like these when I finally STOP for a minute to reflect on our life and our journey. Even in the moment of sadness today, I realized that my life is very rich and full. God has indeed blessed our family!
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Now that Christmas is past, I think it is maybe time to do a little blogging again. It's not that I don't have anything else to do... My house still looks like Christmas. I think maybe we'll take the tree down tomorrow. But then again, that is what I predicted for today. Oh well, first things first. I have pictures to share and a few stories to tell.
We spent New Year's Eve with our friends, the Bergs.

It was a cold, cold night but almost everyone went our for a little sledding and skating. I was so proud of my Filipino kids. It was SUPER cold even for die hard Minnesotans, but they were out there braving the cold just like everyone else. It's hard to believe that even two months ago, none of them had even seen snow, let alone played in it before.
We had a rip-roarin' time playing JENGA later that evening. We have JENGA in our "game room" at home, but I'm embarrassed to say that we never play it. I'm not sure why??... Anyway, we had a great time and I will definitely pull it out in the future!
We were in the Philippines on New Year's Eve last year. We were at CSC up on a hill watching the city explode with fireworks. It was incredible!! I have never seen or heard anything like it...and probably never will again. At that point, we didn't realize that three of those kids were ours. God knew. He probably smiled that evening as He thought of how our story would unfold this year. It makes me wonder what is in store for 2009!
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