To own their very own library card is very exciting for my two boys. I think that they kind of think it is a credit card of sorts. They are fascinated with the credit cards, coupons and gift cards in my purse. I'm glad that they can have their own now!!...and it really works. They can go to the library and get any book they like whenever they want. As we left the library, I had to explain the part about returning the books (especially to Rigo). He was ok with that and tightly held the yellow card in his hand as we got back into the car. It was a an exciting adventure!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I took the boys to the public library the other day. Romeo had been asking me about getting a library card and I thought it was high time to make a trip. It was a fun experience for all of us. Although reading is not always their first choice of activity, they were very excited as they looked through the shelves of books. When I told them to each pick out some books, they looked at me with questioning eyes. "How many, Mom?" "Can I get this one?" "Where are the Star War books?" But my favorite question was..."Who gave this to us??" Our friends, our family, and this community has been so gracious to our family in giving clothes, books, food and support. I guess it is no surprise that they would wonder about who made it possible for them to just take whatever book they wanted without paying.
Monday, February 16, 2009

It has been a while since I posted anything on my blog. You can chalk it up to sickness, busyness and never getting a chance on the computer. Between homework, FACEBOOK, a few computer games, and papers...our computer gets A LOT of use in the evening. Anyway, I hope that there are a few people out there still reading...
We took our first FAMILY VACATION this weekend. We often try to get up to Lutsen Ski Area once during the winter months. It usually happens over Presidents Weekend. It felt different than other years, but it all went pretty well.
It was very beautiful on the North Shore. Our kids thought that it looked something like Narnia. They were right. We arrived after dark and the road to our cabin was deep in the wilderness. It was almost kind of magical. It made the trip seem like an adventure. Here are a few highlights of our weekend.
The worst thing that happened was that Roselyn and Rodrigo got sick.
The best thing was that on Sunday, all of us went skiing. We split up to ski, but decided to meet for lunch. That might have been our biggest mistake of the weekend. It was quite the scene. We walked into the ski chalet at the peak of lunchtime. It was packed! So... a few of us started walking around the room like scavengers looking for a table (for 10?). What were we thinking??? It was SO awkward. You don't want to hover over people, but there is no where else to go?? Anyway, we eventually managed to find a table and eat together. After lunch, we all went our separate ways, but it was fun to all be there on the same day.
The funniest? thing happened at 6:45 a.m. on Friday morning. Romeo came to our room to alert Allen to the fact that Rigo was very sick!! Allen went down to the boys room only to find a very hot and sweaty little boy lying on the bed. Actually, both boys were sweating profusely...and the room felt like a SAUNA! After some investigating, it became clear that one of the boys had been playing with the thermostat the night before. He had turned it up as high as it would go...thus a very HOT bedroom. Thankfully, Rigo wasn't really sick. He was just very, very hot! At any rate, the two boys were up for the day and no one else was ready to be up. The solution? Ice Age 2! I'm afraid that we used this little movie trick a few times over the weekend. Is it bad parenting to let your kids watch Shrek 3 1/2 times in a 24 hour period??
The nicest thing was to bring along two very nice friends for the girls. Jamey and Adelle were such good companions for Steph and Roselyn. I would bring them any day!
The sweetest thing about the weekend was watching Lindsay and Bjork interact. It was especially fun because we were able to celebrate Valentines Day with them. (Probably not their first choice...) Anyway, they seem to be very happy and in love! It was great to have them along!!!
The saddest thing about the weekend was that Kristin was not with us. She loves snow boarding and we missed her very much!
Allen LOVES to ski and we all appreciate all the work he does to get us ready to go. Skis, boots, poles, snowboards, snow pants, gloves, hats, gloves, hand warmers... the list is endless and a bit overwhelming when you are trying to outfit 10 people! I am glad that we have the chance to take our family skiing. Mostly, it gives us shared experiences and memories. We are planning to return next year sometime.
We celebrated our February birthdays a week ago. Allen and Bjork have birthdays just 6 days apart. It was the first of several shared birthday celebrations to come. It was fun to honor the two oldest guys in our family. (Don't pay any attention to the cake in the cake pan. Things are a little "bare bones" around here. Nothing fancy these days!) Allen and Bjork are both exceptional guys and we plan on celebrating many more birthdays in the future!
In the afternoon, Allen and the young boys went out for a little neighborhood broom ball. It was a beautiful day to play! (Not sure what Rigo is wearing, but... oh well...)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how I am living in a CAVE. I know that right now, my time and energy needs to be consumed with my family. That is what I (we) signed up for and for the most part, I am ok with that. The problem is that there are days when I really have the urge to do something outside of my help someone else, or learn about something, or maybe read a book. When I peek my nose out to do one of those things, I am immediately pulled back into the CAVE because someone needs me or my attention. People ask if I am overwhelmed. I guess that I usually don't feel overwhelmed. I just can't do it all! Is that the same thing? I think I am learning to lower my expectations. Case in point - I checked a book out from the library last week and was excited to add that into my (fun) things to do. I tried starting that stupid book at least 6 or 7 times and came to the conclusion that trying to read a book right now is just not going to happen. I am disappointed (and a little embarrassed to admit) that I can't just sit down and relax with a book. Right now it feels like work to me. I will try it again in a few months.
My CAVE is not particularly comfortable right now. It is hard work. I am constantly thinking about what is happening tomorrow? who needs to go where? who is struggling with this or that? what do we do after school? what's for dinner????? I told someone the other day that it is like trying to keep 10 plates spinning at once. The irony of this is that as I am trying to become more unselfish with my own life, I am becoming very inward and self-centered, thinking only about the needs of my own family. I feel kind of bad about this because there are plenty of people out there who could use a kind word or encouraging note from me. So, without adding more things to my plate, I am looking for ways to come out of my CAVE.
Today at work, a lady was waiting by my desk. Although I don't really know her, I simply asked..."How are you doing?" She started to tell me about her 37-year-old niece who has 2-4 weeks to live because of leukemia. She has a husband and two young children that she will leave behind. It was obvious that this lady's heart was very heavy. I was sad for her. An hour later, one of my friends at work told me that her husband was laid off from his job yesterday. She had a very positive attitude about the whole thing, but I felt bad for her as well. I will be praying for these people in the next few weeks.
I am thankful for my job. I work only one day a week, but it gives me the chance to get out of my CAVE and rub shoulders with other people who might need me...just to listen. Today I think maybe I was on the giving end instead of the receiving end of things. It might sound odd, but I like hearing about other people's problems. It helps me to keep perspective and it makes me so thankful for where I am at in life. Not being able read a book for a season seems pretty insignificant today.
I am back in my CAVE tonight. Maybe I'll poke my head out tomorrow! Better yet, if you think of it, come and pull me out for a bit. I would like that.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Allen often takes the boys on an EXPLORE into the woods behind our house. Sunday afternoons are often when this happens. It works well for me and the other girls, because it give us time for some peace and quiet...and maybe even a nap! Yesterday was a beautiful day and the boys set out for a hike down the river. There is so much to see and experience. Well, as the three of them tromped through the snow down the river, they had a bit of a chilly adventure. Allen turned around just in time to see the two boys break through the ice and fall into the freezing river. According to Allen, they fell into water that was waist deep. THANKFULLY, it was not any deeper and Allen was able to (very easily) pull them out. They were about 3/4 of a mile down the way so it took a while to walk back to the house. If you ask them about it, they will laugh and act like it was no big deal, but it was no doubt a scary experience and a good lesson of how dangerous the ice can be. It is funny to think that after living my whole life in Minnesota, I have only fallen through ankle deep ice. I guess I'm glad it was them and not me. They have a story to tell.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My friend, Adie invited the boys out for a snowmobiling adventure. They own a tree farm west of Cambridge and have hundreds of acres to ride on. Last Friday was a beautiful day! Adie's husband (Tom) and son (Nick) took the boys for a long ride. They had a great time and saw a few deer as well.
After the ride, we all gathered in their living room by the big fireplace to warm up. There are several animals hanging in their living room. It's pretty cool...especially for two boys from the Philippines. It kind of reminds me of the science museum. There were also antlers and pelts to try on. Thanks, Wolcyns for a fun afternoon!
Three months ago we were in Manila. Hard to believe.
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