Last weekend, while the boys were playing baseball, the girls were hanging out in Willmar, MN for a music festival featuring several Christian bands. I have always wanted to go to SONSHINE, but it just never worked out before! I heard from one person that there were 30,000 people there! It was indeed unbelievable! People were camped out EVERYWHERE! It reminded me of what a refuge camp might look like (only with bright colored, fancy tents!).
It was really lots of fun to hear these bands LIVE! I had never seen "crowd surfing". I think it is kind of dangerous, but it also looks sort of fun. Kristin surfed the crowd a bit. She's the wild one in our family!! I'm sorry I didn't see it. Maybe next year, I'll try it! NO. JUST KIDDING! :) The other thing that I found to be very interesting was a "mosh pit". I don't even know if I'm spelling it correctly. Basically, people get in a big circle and shove each other around. Sounds fun, doesn't it? From what I could see, it looked ridiculous... and dangerous...and something my boys would LOVE to do! Oh dear.
Other than a chilly weekend, it was great fun! LOUD!...but fun! I'm sure we'll be back!