I went to a movie this week where the story centered around a young woman who decided to blog about cooking for one year. (The movie was
Julie and Julia and I thought it was quite entertaining!) There was one dialog (actually it was an argument) where Julie's (the blogger) husband described her obsession with blogging. He referred to her as narcissistic and self-absorbed. Since I have my own blog, I struggle with this idea and it isn't the first time I've thought about it. There is certainly a lot of truth about this claim. Blogging is generally all about ME. So, what do I do with that? I know that there are people who read my blog and think..."Why would you tell people about this?...it's really nobody's business and really...wouldn't it be better to spend your time doing something for someone else rather than talking about yourself?" I know this because people have told me so...in a nice way, of course.
I don't want to be defensive about all of this, but maybe I feel the need to justify what I do. Just for the record, I do feel a bit self-conscious about sharing my life with...whoever might be out there in blogland. Unselfishness is a value that Allen and I try to model. Talking about our family and posting pictures about our family seems kind of...inward. In general, people are pretty positive about my blog, but I know there are some that would call it narcissistic and self-absorbed.
Well, I guess there is some truth to that, but I do think that for me there is, and has been great value in sharing our story with you. I'm pretty sure I've blogged about this, but I need to remind myself again of why I have a blog.
1. It is an outlet for me! It helps me to feel connected with people. I have been very encouraged by the people who comment and say they read.
2. I think that it maybe helps some people feel connected to our family!
3. It is a way to stay connected with my kids who don't live at home and my extended family.
4. When I get the chance, I really do like to write. I like to be quiet and just think. Sometimes, I'm sad. Sometimes I am so happy. Sometimes, I am just thoughtful. I guess I just like expressing myself.
5. It is a good record of what our life has been like since we adopted our kiddos! I even like looking back to see what we were doing six months ago.
6. I hope that some of the things that I write about are helpful to other people who are struggling with similar issues.
7. Truly, it is therapeutic for me. I like to organize my thoughts. (Maybe I am saving thousands of dollars by not seeing a therapist!!?) :)
8. Allen is my biggest fan. (That's not really a good reason, but it's true!) :) Thanks, sweetheart!
I don't know. Is this blogging a bad thing? Is it a waste of time?? It does take some time to sit down and do it. It is a lot about ME and MY family. I just hope that there is some value in journaling and maybe I have helped someone else along the way. I haven't been so good about blogging this summer, but I HOPE to get back at it this fall. I have wedding pictures and lots of stuff from this summer that I plan on posting.
Anyway, those are my thoughts today! :)