Everyone is back at it. It was a good first week of school! Busy, but good. This is a year of change for many of us-myself included.
The BOYS were up and dressed to go by 6:30 last Tuesday. They were very excited and a bit nervous as well.
Romeo was the first to leave the house. He needs to leave the house by 7:30 in order to get to the middle school on time. He is riding with one of our neighbors. So far, he has been up and at 'em on time. Besides a new school...he has several teachers (instead of one) this year. Lots of changes for this boy, but he seems to be doing well. He took the bus (for something different) yesterday. That was a new and exciting adventure, I'm sure. I hear that there is lots of homework in 6th grade, but we are ready. I am on homework duty for Romeo... so bring it on! We took the kids to their first football game last night. If you are familiar with the Cambridge football games, you will know that there is a hill behind the stands where a sea of middle school kids hang out and run amok. There is very little attention to the game, but they seem to love the freedom. It didn't take long for him to find a friend to run around with. When he came to check in with us, he was drenched with sweat from running around. I had to laugh...all boy. Mr. Social Butterfly was invited to a friends house after the game to "hang out". So it begins.
Rodrigo started first grade on Tuesday. I brought our baby to his classroom on Tuesday. He was proudly wearing his Spiderman backpack and light-up shoes. We were the first ones to his classroom. His teacher's name is Mrs. Christenson and according to Rigo, she's "very nice"! I would have to agree. We are very happy with his placement. She told him to pick a desk to sit at and without hesitation, he (of course) chose a desk that was front and center. I'll have to admit-he was SO CUTE. Other than not keeping his hands to himself, he has had a great week!! We saw Mrs. Christenson at the football game last night. As he and I walked home, I asked Rigo if he was surprised to see Mrs. C at the game. He said, "Yes! I didn't know she go to football game." Like most 1st graders, he didn't realize that his teacher had a life outside of school. He evidently thought she lived at the primary school.
At the high school, only the incoming 9th graders attend on Tuesday. Some of the upper class men are part of a welcoming crew to help the transition go as smoothly as possible. This group is called LINK CREW and Steph was one of those people. She had to be at the school by 7:30 that day. It sounded like a fun and productive day! I was proud of the fact that she was chosen. Anyway, Tuesday was her first real day of school. She has a good schedule, including an art class (that's a first!). The interesting thing about that is that Bjork's dad is the teacher! Small world. Swimming is in full swing and the girls have won their first three meets. All in all, Steph had a great week and having junior status seems to agree with her!
Roselyn was the only kid in our house that got to sleep in on Tuesday. (That is why she is not in the picture. She was still sleeping!) She and I met some friends for lunch that day. It was nice to have one last day to do something fun. Wednesday was her first day and it was a good day. She has first lunch which she is not very happy about, but other than that...things are off to a good start for her! She has algebra, US history, biology and choir. Allen is on homework duty for Roselyn. They spent at least 2 hours working on homework Wednesday night! Tennis has been a great activity for Roselyn. She is making great strides and continues to improve. We have had some beautiful afternoons to watch her play! It was so much fun to watch her at the football game last night. It didn't take long for her to find some friends to sit with. ...a good week for Rose!
Kristin's big news is that she is has started the nursing program at Bethel! We are so excited for her. She had to buy some scrubs this summer. That was kind of an adventure in itself. How does one look professional AND fashionable when you are a nurse? Cross country is in full swing and she is feeling great and doing well. We watched her last weekend at her first meet. She looked great. Running makes her happy. The women's cross country team has great potential this year. It will be fun to see how far they go?? Meanwhile, Kristin's special someone (Pete) started medical school at UMD. It has been fun to talk to Pete and remember back to those first days when Allen started his medical career. I know that Pete will do well. In spite of a rigorous academic schedule I have a feeling that there will be few trips back and forth to Duluth this year!
Lindsay started school with her own classroom of 4th graders as Mrs. Ostrom. How exciting! We stopped in last week to take a peek at her classroom at Edgerton Elementary. Everything was in its place and she was looking forward to the first day of class. She has already shared some great stories about her experiences. We are so proud of her. I only wish I could be a little mouse in her classroom! Now that school has started, Bjork will be working with lots of kids as he continues to work Youth Frontiers. He is part of a team of people that lead character retreats for school-age children. My plan is to attend one of the retreats this year to see him in action. I hope I can make it work!
Anyway...our entire family is busy with the start of school. For me? I started working at the high school on Wednesdays again last week. I really do love working one day a week. When I am not there...I am just trying to get things done at home after a summer of constant activity. I was very ready for the school year to start this time around. Having everyone in school means more freedom for me. Maybe it means more time to start blogging again? I think it will mean an occasional lunch with Allen. I'm pretty excited about that!
There. There is my first week of school recap. Hope you had a great week as well!!