Today was our final adoption hearing. All my fretting about what might go wrong was all for naught. It was a piece of cake and I had nothing to worry about! We all met at the "Q" (everyones favorite Chinese restaurant in town) for lunch at about 12:30. After a spectacular meal, we headed over to the courthouse. I don't think I have ever been in a courtroom before so it was definitely a new experience for me!
We were ushered into the courtroom and waited for the judge to enter. We all had to stand when he came in (just like in the movies!). We asked a few questions like... "When did the children enter the country?", "Do you promise to provide for the children...?", "Do you love them?" and (to the children)..."Do you think this is a good idea?" Short, sweet and official.
After the formalities, Judge Dehn invited the children to come up to the bench. He gave the boys a gavel and put his robe on Roselyn. She then made the pronouncement... "Adoption granted!" and (after some coaching by the judge) made a decree that the parents would be required take the children to Disneyworld..." It was very fun.
After a few pictures, things got even more silly. The judge invited my dad up, put the robe on him and plopped him in his chair...with the giant gavel. (This is one of the benefits of living in a small town. We have known Judge Dehn for many years and my dad sees him every Saturday morning at Herman's Bakery. :) My dad will get a lot of mileage out of this one!
Anyway, it all took about 15 minutes. We have finally jumped through all the hoops. After the hearing, we came home and had cake and ice cream. A very simple and private celebration. It was a good day for our family. It meant a lot to me that ALL of our children could be there. It was special to have my parents be there as well. Thanks, Bjork for being the camera guy today! I am sorry that Allen's parents could not be there. We missed them. Anyway...it was a day to remember. God has blessed our family!