The week before school starts is always an interesting time. This year, there just wasn't enough things to do. The days got kind of long for all of us. What could be better than a day at an amusement park and an afternoon at the fair? Well, ALL of the Morks (except Bernie) made the trip to Valleyfair for a final family get-together. It was a GORGEOUS day and the lines were relatively short. (I suspect that most of the people decided to go to the State Fair!) At any rate, it was a fine day.
I used to love to go on rides! Not so much now. I do it because I want to be with my kids, but boy...it just about kills me sometimes. I bowed out quite a few times on this particular day- taking on the role of the token "mom" who holds all the stuff and tries to get a picture. The picture-taking is usually futile, but I gave it a shot. For the rides that I chose to sit out on, I didn't mind NOT riding, but I did mind not sharing the experience with the rest of the fam. I hate missing stuff. Well, anyway, I had fun watching everyone, keeping track of all the "stuff" and have a few minutes of quiet.
I find it so interesting how each child reacts to wild rides. One of my children would just as soon sit and read a book. A couple of them love that feeling when your stomach drops out of your body. I have a screamer... and a couple of kids who just kind of go because everyone else is going. Who knows if they like any of the rides or not? I love the thrill, but hate the sick, dizzy, "I think I am going to be sick" feeling. And Allen, well, he is just a good sport and seems to be ok doing just about anything (including the POWER TOWER!).
Bjork was the rebel/hero for the day. ALL of us decided to take a ride on HIGH ROLLER, the oldest roller coaster at the park. He and Lindsay were in the front car looking back at the rest of us. Thinking it would be a cool picture, Bjork pulled out his camera phone and started snapping pictures as we made our way up the very first ramp. The intensity was building as we got nearer to the top of the first "hill" when suddenly, we came to a complete stop. This ride is old and quite rickety so my first thought was...malfunction. The loudspeaker came on and the ride lady said, "PLEASE, PUT YOUR CAMERA AWAY!!" The guilty party quickly shoved his camera in his pocket..and the train started up again. Whew, no malfunction! After the ride, we all made a quick exit as to avoid further scolding. Another Mork Family memory. We were all there to witness and remember it! Thanks, Bjork for the comic relief and the highlight of the day!
Lastly, Rigo was the lucky one to get a day at the STATE FAIR with Grandpa and Grandma. It was his first time, so you can imagine all the great things he saw and did. The best thing from the day was not the animals, or the food, or the water ride that they got soaking wet on. It was the BIG GREEN HAT that Grandpa and Grandma bought for him. Go figure! Life is good when you are 8-years-old. :)