Yesterday morning our family participated in a triathlon. Sounds impressive, doesn't it? Well, it was lots of fun and a great thing to do together. If you sign up as a team, it is very doable (even for those of us who aren't as in shape as they should be)! The race consists of a paddle around Spectacle Lake (about 1+ miles), an 11 mile bike ride and a 2+mile run. Bjork joined our ranks so we could have two teams of three people. I love the race because it is good for a wide range of people. There are several serious athletes and those who just want to get some exercise and have a good time. I was assigned to the biking portion of the race. Lindsay and I biked the 11 miles together. Unfortunately, Lindsay's bike was not working very well. Every time she would go up a hill, her gears started to shift on their own. It made riding very awkward and it definitely slowed her down. I felt badly for her but really... it was to my advantage and allowed me to sort of keep up with her! Considering that I have not ridden a bike since last summer and that she is 25 years younger than me... I think I did quite well! I'll post a few pictures to share. It is a fun, local event that happens at the beginning of June every year. Think about getting a group together next year. We plan on being there. We may have 3 Mork teams!!
It was a very fun thing to do together, and I'm so excited to do it next year with an added team. (I call Rodrigo as the runner on my team - he can fly!)
Oh, one more thing... Next year we should get a little more organized ahead of time so we can have team t-shirts! (Bjork...)
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