Annika is my great niece. That sounds so much better than saying that I am her great aunt! That, to me, sounds old! Anyway, we got to watch her a little bit this weekend and boy, was it fun!! Taking pictures of babies is so much fun because they never complain about it. They just sit there and have that "What are you doing???" look on their face.
I'll have to say that she is probably the easiest baby (besides my own three) I have ever taken care of...maybe ever! Several people have told us that she looks so much like Steph when she was a baby. I agree. Steph and I dragged out the baby book to take a look tonight and there is definitely a resemblance. The biggest difference is that Annika has red hair. She is definitely a cutie!!! Check out the pictures and see what you think! Hope they ask again!!
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