Most of my blogging friends had pictures of the first day of school. It was so much fun for me to see everyone else's pictures from the first day of school that I thought I should do the same! Well, the first day of school was just fine at our house! It was easy as easy can be with one child. Steph gets herself up, chooses what to wear, makes her own lunch and decides what time to leave for school. The only thing I really do at this point is to get in the car and drive her to school. Even picture-taking this year was easy. It took less than a minute...maybe even thirty seconds! We stepped outside, I snapped the picture and Steph was on her way to school...all this before 7:15a.m! Pretty impressive for a Mork, I'll have to say! It is a very different scene from say... five years ago. We will revisit those days next year so stay tuned!
Swimming is in full swing. Every other year the varsity swim team makes a two-day trip to Grand Rapids and Virginia, Minnesota. It is something that the girls look forward to as they all stay together overnight at the Saw Mill Inn (It's a tradition!). It is just a fun adventure for everyone that goes! Mr. Sholund, the head coach (for 39 years!) is from the Iron Range and loves taking our swimmers to his old stomping grounds. This year, the Virginia meet was cancelled due to pool repairs. They didn't notify us until Wednesday afternoon. So...the weekend get-away turned into a long bus ride to and from Grand Rapids on Friday night. Steph asked if some of the girls could come to our house after the meet on Friday night to spend the night since their other plans were cancelled. On our way to Grand Rapids, I texted Steph to see how many girls would be coming. I waited a few minutes for a reply expecting her answer to be...maybe 10 - 15 girls. She texted back saying that..."its about 25 girls counting me." Whoa!! Allen and I just laughed and started to think if we had any food in the house. Basically, they brought their own snacks for the night and we made cinnamon rolls for them this morning.
The girls stayed up well into the night watching movies, using the hot tub, running around the house and talking, talking, talking like most teenage girls do. We went to bed around 12:30 a.m. When the girls finally did go to sleep, they were sprawled out everywhere downstairs...beds, couches and the floor. It was quite the scene when I went to rescue them from Bernie this morning. Today, they came up the stairs for breakfast in shifts. The girls in this picture are a part of the first seating. There were two more after this. I am thankful that we have a house than can accommodate so many kids. It's always fun to have them. I'm also thankful that Steph is a part of the swim team. They are very nice girls and are welcome at our house any time.
Notice the feet sticking out...
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