Bernie had a rough day yesterday. Allen let him out for his morning duties and "Bernie Boy" (as we affectionately call him) decided to take off into the wild blue yonder. He does this periodically and it drives us crazy. We talk about getting an invisible fence, but it never happens. Too much money, too much trouble. Anyway, Allen didn't have time to go look for him (and I didn't want to!) so we waited for about 10 minutes in hopes that he would return. Actually, he usually does, so I wasn't too worried.
Just as Allen was leaving, Bernie returned from his adventure. He sat at the back door waiting for one of us to let him in. How convenient for us!! Well, as I opened the door, I could see that he had something brown and gross all over his little body. Yes, he found something incredibly NASTY and decided to roll in it. Usually it is a dead animal or poop. (Sorry, I can't think of a nicer way to say it. It is what it is.) Well, it was Door #2 and it STUNK SO BAD!! My cute little Bernie Boy had soiled himself and I was the only one around to clean him up. Allen was already late for work, but he quickly helped me to get the little pup to our bathroom where I was already drawing a bath for Bernie. (Something is wrong with this picture, I know!!) Well, after Allen left for work, Bernie and I had a nice time in the bathtub. (No, I wasn't IN the tub...but I certainly was splashing about in the tub.) I was pretty mad at my dog for committing such a crime and consequently did a fair amount of scolding. As we went on, I noticed that he couldn't stop shaking. I guessed that he felt so bad for the deed he had done. He knew he had SINNED and that I was mad at him.
Of course, I could never be mad at my baby for long. He is way too cute and is the ONLY person(?) in this house that APPRECIATES me ALL the time. I started to be concerned when he wouldn't stop shaking. When I touched him, he would yelp and he began to limp all over the house. My first thought was to get him to the vet right away, but decided to wait for a while. He acted stiff and sore all day and was pretty lethargic as well. I put a heating pad under his favorite resting spot and a blanket over his back. He slept most of the day in that same spot. Of course, I was feeling guilty about yelling at him, but there wasn't much I could do at this point.
I don't know what was wrong with Bernie yesterday, but he is doing better today. The shaking has stopped, but he is still limping a bit and is still a little tender when we touch him. I gave him an antibiotic last night. We think maybe he has an infection somewhere because he seems to be doing better today. I brought him outside today to enjoy the weather a bit. He sat down on the grass and thoroughly enjoyed soaking up the sun. I took a few pictures of him because he looked so darling sitting in the yard. I don't know what I would do without my Bernie Boy. He is the greatest dog ever... poop or no poop! I can't wait for our new clan to meet and get to know him.
Those of you who know Bernie (or are dog-lovers) can totally understand this story. You get the warm bath...the heating pad... and the antibiotics. Thank you for your sympathy and understanding. :) Those of you who think I have lost my mind... well maybe you are right. I can tell you one thing though, I dread the day when Bernie leaves us. He is CLEARLY everyone's favorite and sort of makes our family...complete. I'm very glad he is on the mend!
OH Bernie!! He is so adorable! He has a way about him that melts your heart no matter how naughty he can be. Bernie is God's way of reminding us that no matter what we do we are always loved and accepted...even when we run off and get into trouble! Give Bernie a warm hug from me!
I feel very sad for little Bernie, but I am glad that he is on the mend. If you love him as much as I love my Hobo, I can definitely understand why you would want to give him lots of TLC. Give him a hug for me, too!
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