It's been a busy place around here these last few weeks! Lindsay and Bjorks' wedding took place on Saturday and yep, they have now joined the ranks of the married...
I don't really know where to start other than it was a wonderful day and we couldn't be happier! Other than the weather and a few minor glitches, it was such a perfect day! I decided to leave MY camera behind because I knew that I would be consumed with taking pictures. I wanted to enjoy the day without that added responsibility. The only problem with that is that I don't have many pictures to share quite yet. I know that they will be coming... but for now, I will just post a few random shots from the day.
For those of you that were there, THANKS for sharing this special day with us. It meant so much to have you there! If you were not there, enjoy the pics, and thanks for being interested and taking a peek!!
Congratulations to you Mary & Family for getting a new family member! Bjork & Lindsay .. Congratulations. You have a wonderful family, and I've enjoyed reading & sharing your news - especially on the adoption and how they are growing! Children are such a joy!
Amazing and SO much fun! Thanks for sharing this great event with us! Love, Rox and Ken
So glad to have been there. Exciting news about a job for Lindsay too!
Congratulations Mary !
I have a VERY excited 6yo Cebuano boy here. His name is Armand and he was best friends with Rodrigo at CSC until Dec 2008. We would love to hear from you if you are inclined. turn4@virginbroadband.com.au.
Kind regards
Melbourne, Australia
Nice photos!
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