Today, I had most of the afternoon and evening to myself. It doesn't happen too often these days and I loved it! As much as I love my family, I recharge when I have time alone. Here is what I chose to do on this day.
1. I made jelly (from plum juice my mom gave me). It's been in my fridge for a few days so I took the chance to get it done - by myself. (Sorry, Rigo!)
2. Dishes, by myself, of course.
3. I wasted some time on Facebook.
4. Scrapbooking. I rarely have a chunk of time to do this and I have a graduation coming soon!! It was very fun and relaxing for me.
5. Watched the end of the Twin's game - by myself.
6. Listened to the radio - by myself.
7. OK, I broke down and made a trip to DQ - by myself. If you must know, I ordered a dipped strawberry Blizzard!
8. I watched a movie - by myself.
9. It is 9:30 and Roselyn will be home soon. I think I will pop some popcorn and watch some TV.
10. Oh yeah! I actually WASN'T alone today. I spent the day with Bernie. It was AWESOME. By the way, he is much, much better. Hope YOU had a quiet day!
I'm glad that you had some alone time. And I am glad that you got a DQ blizzard! :) That was my favorite part.
Hi Mary. It "did my heart good" to hear someone else describe in detail my recent quiet moments and my feelings etc. I love everyone I have been with but we all need some "alone" time which can't always be planned but taken advantage of when it comes. have a good day!!Rox
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