RUFA MAE. How many Rufa Mae's do you know? It certainly isn't a name you hear every day...at least here in the US. I knew a girl by the name of RUFA MAE. I met her in January 2008 for the first time. She and her brother John Ray have brittle-bone disease. Their little bodies are twisted and very, very fragile. Their family lives just next to the Children's Shelter of Cebu where our children lived for three years. Allen met and fell in love with this family in 2006 when he and Kristin went to CSC with our church. I did the same a couple of years later.
Rufa Mae was a very bright girl despite her crumpled little body. She was so, so sweet and always had a smile for anyone. She loved being with other kids at the shelter and being a part of the action! Last week, she was crowned QUEEN at CSC's United Nation's Celebration!!! It was a very happy day for her. The next day, she was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. Her weak little body just couldn't fight it off and she passed away.
We loved visiting them each chance we had. I spent an hour in their tiny home when Roselyn and I visited Cebu last June. It was a wonderful visit. Rufa Mae was in fine form, just smiling, talking and asking questions about our life in her tiny little voice. God blessed me by knowing this little 12-year-old girl. She had such a sweet and gentle spirit and was accepting of her life situation. She was an inspiration to me and many, many other people around the world. I wonder if she had any idea of what an incredible blessing she was to so many of us?? I know that it has made me think about my life and the things that I hold near. Every day is a gift. Thanks for reminding me of that, Rufa Mae!
I am so happy that Rufa Mae is no longer trapped in her crippled body. She is probably running around, jumping and enjoying the arms of her Heavenly Father! Please check the CSC website to learn a little bit more about Rufa Mae. Please pray for her family as well as the CSC family as they mourn her loss and celebrate her life!
"God blessed me by knowing this little 12-year-old girl." Me too.
"Another gift in the life of the Morks" Thanks for sharing with us.It really is true as I think about this little girl's life: It is not nearly as important how many breaths you take in this life as those moments in life that 'take your breath away'! Rox
wow....I almost cried thinking of her not being trapped in her crippled body, but instead, running around heaven like she always should have been able too!!
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