Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Last weekend was a fun weekend away with our married children and their spouses. Friday turned out to be a cold, rainy night, but Saturday was a gorgeous, knock-out day!! The highlight of the weekend was sitting outside with Lindsay and Kristin watching Allen and the "boys" playing frisbee and go swimming. It was very relaxing and so EASY. This is a scenario that doesn't happen very often. Amazingly enough, someone suggested a quick dip in the lake to cool off. I ran to get my camera to catch the excitement! The dip in the lake was just that - a quick in and out! We (girls) were amused (and quite impressed) at the bravado of the boys to face this challenge.

It made me glad to see Allen spending time with our adult children. It made me happy to catch up with them as well. Allen was the one-man-show at our house for over 20 years. How fun that there are as many boys as girls in the family ranks now. The best part about this last weekend was seeing our kids...all grown up, happily married and making good choices. Thanks, guys for taking the time to hang out with us!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This is rather ridiculous, but I think I am going to give my blog another go-around. I told myself that if I didn't start writing before one year had elapsed, well, I would need to close up shop! I know...it has been more than a year and I'm pretty sure that there is no one out there that is still checking my blog, but I have decided that there are lots of good reasons to start blogging again. My purpose will be a bit different than the first time around. We are three-and-a-half years down the road from the adoption. Life as a family of 8 (...or 10 when I count my wonderful son-in-laws) is now the norm. I rarely think about my OLD life-life before the adoption. I don't even notice that my youngest children are a different color. They are in my heart right next to my first three children. I don't think that they notice either! It's a beautiful thing. All this chit-chat is to say I am going to TRY to start writing again! I guess I don't really care who reads my stuff. But just so you know...it will mostly be details about my family and my thoughts. If you are not interested, thats ok. If you are...read on. I just need to write.

The last year was filled with big events! Graduations, a wedding, family trips, my father's passing, soccer, basketball, tennis, baseball and lots of other school events, exchange students, holidays, celebrations and tragedies in the lives of people that I know. I don't think my life is so different or busier than anyone else's, but looking back at ONE YEAR of life makes me realize how quickly the days go by. It makes me thankful for all the good things I have and all the great people I have to love. My primary reason for blogging is to record events in the life of our family. It is perhaps a good way to keep us connected.

I heard today of three people who have recently had a rough go of it. Life has taken a sudden and unfortunate turn. It made me so sad. It also made me grateful. For someone who has reached the half-century mark, I enjoy good health, have an intact family and have lots of good things to look forward to. I am indeed blessed and I need to work harder on being a grateful person. I know I can do better at enjoying each day, but there is definitely room for improvement. My second purpose in blogging is to share my journey in learning to be a gracious person. Maybe I could even encourage someone else??!! Nothing could make me happier.

SO - here we go. There are lots of cool things that I could say about this last year, but for now...I will just take it one day at a time. For anyone who is still out there reading...welcome back!