NUMBER 31 - HEALTH I know that I take my health for granted. Having said that, as I age, I appreciate it more and more. For the most part, I feel good and enjoy doing stuff. I like being active and doing stuff. I'm going to keep "doing" stuff as long as I can. I hate the idea of a spectator mom. Thanks, God for my excellent health!
NUMBER 32 - FRIENDS- I am going to go back to the subject of friends. I am so lucky to have such great friends. Life is busy and I wish I had more time to be with my friends, but they are patient with me and it seems that when we get together, we just pick up where we left off! I have a couple of friends that frequently go out of their way to check up on me. They allow me to share my heart and they accept me just the way I am. I would name names, but they know who they are. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to my friends.
NUMBER 33 - It is easy to write about LINDSAY- I know that you will read this so I will just write this directly to you! You have grown to be a beautiful young woman and I am so proud of you. You have blazed the way for your siblings and taught us what being a parent is all about. I love your excitement for life. It's contagious. Spending time with you is so much fun. I always feel better when I have been with you! I love you.
NUMBER 34 - BJORK! You are an extra-ordinary young man. I don't know how you do it, but you have a genuine way of making EVERYONE feel good about who they are. You are one of the kindest and most accepting people I have ever met. Family gatherings are always more fun when you are around! There couldn't be a better role model for my two young sons. Thanks for loving our family. You rock!! :)
NUMBER 35 - MOST FOLKS ARE ABOUT AS HAPPY AS THEY MAKE UP THEIR MINDS TO BE -Abraham Lincoln. Another quote that I love! I think that our world has become very cynical and negative. We have become selfish and self-absorbed in our fast-paced lives. Don't get me wrong. I certainly do my share of whining and complaining. But really, the positive people in my life help me to keep a healthy perspective. Living a gracious and content life is something I am working on. I hope to be a person who helps others decide to be happy.
NUMBER 36 - SNOW - Ok. Most people are not very excited about all the snow we have had this month, but I love it! It is SO beautiful and clean. I love when it snows at night. It is the best time to go out for a walk. The crunch you feel under your feet and the quiet you hear is indescribable! It's awesome. One of God's most creative gifts!
NUMBER 37 - ADOPTION has changed my life! If you would have asked me about adoption 5 years ago, I would have said..."Nope. Maybe for someone else, but not for me." It has been a difficult transition for me but it has caused me to grow in ways I could never explain. However, I have absolutely NO regrets and feel so blessed to have adopted such great kids!
NUMBER 38 - WORK - I work seven days a week. But when people ask where I work, I say..."I am an administrative assistant at the high school in the Main Office". Doesn't really matter that I am only there for one day a week. It is simply the easiest answer to a question that I don't particularly like. The important part of this answer is that I LOVE where I work. I get to see lots of people that I wouldn't normally see and for the most part, they are REALLY, REALLY nice. I like my place of work!
NUMBER 39 - ROMEO- is such a delight! I remember meeting him for the first time in the Philippines. He had a big smile and was so excited about life. He volunteered to help me with something that no one else wanted to do. I liked him from the start! One of the first stories I heard about Romeo was about his compassion. It was Christmas and he decided to give all of his money to a family that was struggling. Very impressive for a young man who didn't have much himself. Romeo embraces life with gusto. I love watching him play sports and interacting with people. He gives it 100% and he is very real. Some days I am very sad when I think that I missed most of his childhood. My time with him will be all too short. Romeo is my oldest son! He is very easy to love.
NUMBER 40 - FOOD - For good or bad, I love all kinds of food. Need I say more?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
NUMBER 16 - MINNESOTA SEASONS - I really do love living in Minnesota. I like the idea of four seasons. There is nothing like a beautiful summer day in Minnesota. I think of family vacations and happy times. Spring is great because you know that summer is coming! Fall marks the beginning of school and a new change of pace. Winter? Well, I do love a white Christmas and an occasional blizzard as well. Basically, we have it all here in the Northland...and I like it!!
NUMBER 17 - BERNIE - I would have to say that Bernie is my favorite dog ever! Our Golden Retriever, Emma was an awesome family dog too, but I would say that Bernie is my fave because he is MY dog. He was gifted to me at Christmastime from my family and I guess that everyone would agree that he loves ME the most! He has from day one! We have been through a lot together! He enjoyed watching Lindsay, Kristin and Steph grow up and willingly welcomed Roselyn, Romeo and Rodrigo into our family. He has been a constant friend to me as I have adjusted to three new children in my family. Bernie is always happy to see me and loves to snuggle up close to me. I will be very, very sad on the day Bernie goes. He was the best gift EVER. :)
NUMBER 18 - My mother-in-law is a very special person. Her name is JOAN. She is kind and gracious and always so accepting. I often wish I could spend more time with her because she is very wise and such a good listener. She has helped me understand the joys and struggles of being a physician's wife, an adoptive mother and a parent. I love that she is an accomplished musician. Very cool.
NUMBER 19 - JOHN MORK is Allen's dad. He also loves his family very much. I know that he was such a good role model for Allen when he was growing up. He works hard, graciously cares for the people around him and loves his wife. I believe that Allen chose medicine because he saw the passion his dad had for helping other people. I see many qualities in Allen that have been passed on from JOHN MORK. Thank you, JOHN for living a life of service.
NUMBER 20 - LAUGHTER - When our kids ask for Christmas or birthday ideas, I almost always reply - "I just want everyone to get along" It's true. There is nothing that makes me happier than hearing laughter of my children when they are enjoying each other's company. My parents used to talk about how important this was to them. I now understand. My prayer for my children is that they would look to each other for support as they move through life...and that they would truly love to laugh together. Maybe it is every mother's wish. It's mine.
NUMBER 21 - WORDS- I think words are interesting. How someone delivers their words can totally influence their meaning. Although I don't read enough these days, I really do like reading. I love quotes and sayings. I love reading something and seeing it in a brand new way. Carefully chosen words can heal and protect. Unkind words are so hurtful. I like the challenge of writing because I love words.
NUMBER 22 - MY SIBLINGS - My siblings are about as different as the day is long. From political lifestyle parenting styles - we are all across the board in our approach to life. In other ways, we aren't so different at all. We have a strong faith, we love our families and still make the effort to get together each year. It is getting more complicated as our families get larger. I am the baby of the family. I always will be. As I was growing up, I struggled to find my niche. I wanted to be respected in my own right in whatever I chose. I didn't want to do what my older siblings were doing. I wanted to find something that was mine alone. I think I managed to figure out my own path. More importantly, I am happy with who I am and where I am in life. I guess I didn't need to worry about finding my way. It just happened. To Susan, Nancy, Mark and Ellen. I don't say it often enough but... I love you very much! :)
NUMBER 23 - I love SLEEPING IN. Every day, I am summoned by the buzz of the alarm clock, the cries of Tucker waiting to be taking out and/or Rigo RUNNING to our bedroom. It is a rare occasion when I can just sleep until I wake up on my own. Just for the record, I like sleeping in, even if it means sleeping only until 7:00. It makes me happy!
NUMBER 24 - I was born on a cold, cold night on DECEMBER 21, 2010. My mom could tell that the time was getting close so she asked my Dad to bring her to the hospital. She was very tired as she hadn't slept well for days prior to the due date. She didn't seem to be progressing very fast so the nurse suggested a sleeping pill to help her rest. Next thing she knew, I was laying by her side. She slept through the whole thing. Go figure. I'm happy for her - sort of. It seems weird that you could deliver a baby while sleeping. Meanwhile, my dad had a chat with the pastor at their church. (At that point, they hadn't chosen a name for me.)Thinking out loud, he mentioned that since it was so close to Christmas, MAYBE Mary would be a good name for the baby. A few days later, Dad brought the church bulletin to my mom in the hospital. He showed her the section announcing the birth of Mary Jane Robertson! Oops. A little miscommunication, but it was a done deal and the name stuck. I don't mind at all that my dad and the pastor were responsible for naming me. I have always liked my name and it seems to fit ME.
NUMBER 25 - STEPH - I cannot believe that Steph will be leaving for college in about nine months. It will be weird not having her around the house and in some ways, I miss her already. The thing I appreciate most about Stephanie is her independence. She doesn't really like to be told what to do, but she does get things done. She is very capable and will have no trouble functioning in the adult world. Steph likes to fly "under the radar". She is very bright, very talented, very athletic...but never wants to be in the spotlight. I guess I might say that she knows who she is and what she is capable of, but doesn't need to prove it to anyone. She just is who she is. Steph reminds me a lot of myself when I was eighteen. I hope that our relationship continues to grow because I love her very, very much.
NUMBER 26 - POPCORN AND A MOVIE - Popcorn is a weakness for me. Wow! Set a giant bowl of popcorn in front of me and I will just eat it!...all of it! It is ridiculous and I am not proud of it, but I have no self-control when is comes to popcorn. Popcorn and a good movie WITH a friend or my family - priceless. Plus, if I'm eating, it is less likely that I will fall asleep during the movie - which I frequently do!! :)
NUMBER 27 - SHOPPING I hate to admit it, but yes, I do like shopping. I really try to keep a handle on it, but I think it is fun. I have an internal struggle with liking nice things and hating all the materialism I see in our culture. I'm not sure where the balance it, but I'm trying to figure it out. In reality, I don't get to shop much because I have no time. All in all, this is a good thing...but just for the record, yes, I do like to shop! :)
NUMBER 28 - BUCKET LIST - I haven't put a lot of thought into my bucket list, but if I were to start one, I would start with these three things.
1. I would love to tour Europe with Allen for about...a month.
2. I am in no hurry, but I would like to experience the joy of having grandchildren.
3. I would like to have a lake home where my family loved to visit.
NUMBER 29 - BIBLE STUDY I am in a Bible Study group that meets on Tuesday mornings. We have been meeting for many, many years. We are all about the same age and at the same stage in life. We laugh. We cry. We talk about our marriages, our kids, our health and our walk with God. We challenge each other, encourage each other and pray for each other. Of course we eat together - every week as a matter of fact!! :) Sometimes we even travel together. I am very blessed to have these supportive friends. They can relate to things that my kids or husband could never relate to. They understand. They are good friends for a girl to have! :)
NUMBER 30 - I asked for a "fashion" opinion to a young girl in the store today. Her reply?? "Well, the fashion THESE DAYS is to do this...," WOW!!! Talk about a slap in the face! These days?? Who did she think I was??? A 50-year-old woman who had been rocking in her chair for the last 20 years? Needless to say, I bristled at her response and felt a little offended. I mean REALLY!!! I HAVE been around the block a few times or so... I wasn't born yesterday!!! Well, maybe...that is the problem. Evidently...I am old...and even the clerk at the store knows it! I am counting this little story as NUMBER 30.
NUMBER 16 - MINNESOTA SEASONS - I really do love living in Minnesota. I like the idea of four seasons. There is nothing like a beautiful summer day in Minnesota. I think of family vacations and happy times. Spring is great because you know that summer is coming! Fall marks the beginning of school and a new change of pace. Winter? Well, I do love a white Christmas and an occasional blizzard as well. Basically, we have it all here in the Northland...and I like it!!
NUMBER 17 - BERNIE - I would have to say that Bernie is my favorite dog ever! Our Golden Retriever, Emma was an awesome family dog too, but I would say that Bernie is my fave because he is MY dog. He was gifted to me at Christmastime from my family and I guess that everyone would agree that he loves ME the most! He has from day one! We have been through a lot together! He enjoyed watching Lindsay, Kristin and Steph grow up and willingly welcomed Roselyn, Romeo and Rodrigo into our family. He has been a constant friend to me as I have adjusted to three new children in my family. Bernie is always happy to see me and loves to snuggle up close to me. I will be very, very sad on the day Bernie goes. He was the best gift EVER. :)
NUMBER 18 - My mother-in-law is a very special person. Her name is JOAN. She is kind and gracious and always so accepting. I often wish I could spend more time with her because she is very wise and such a good listener. She has helped me understand the joys and struggles of being a physician's wife, an adoptive mother and a parent. I love that she is an accomplished musician. Very cool.
NUMBER 19 - JOHN MORK is Allen's dad. He also loves his family very much. I know that he was such a good role model for Allen when he was growing up. He works hard, graciously cares for the people around him and loves his wife. I believe that Allen chose medicine because he saw the passion his dad had for helping other people. I see many qualities in Allen that have been passed on from JOHN MORK. Thank you, JOHN for living a life of service.
NUMBER 20 - LAUGHTER - When our kids ask for Christmas or birthday ideas, I almost always reply - "I just want everyone to get along" It's true. There is nothing that makes me happier than hearing laughter of my children when they are enjoying each other's company. My parents used to talk about how important this was to them. I now understand. My prayer for my children is that they would look to each other for support as they move through life...and that they would truly love to laugh together. Maybe it is every mother's wish. It's mine.
NUMBER 21 - WORDS- I think words are interesting. How someone delivers their words can totally influence their meaning. Although I don't read enough these days, I really do like reading. I love quotes and sayings. I love reading something and seeing it in a brand new way. Carefully chosen words can heal and protect. Unkind words are so hurtful. I like the challenge of writing because I love words.
NUMBER 22 - MY SIBLINGS - My siblings are about as different as the day is long. From political lifestyle parenting styles - we are all across the board in our approach to life. In other ways, we aren't so different at all. We have a strong faith, we love our families and still make the effort to get together each year. It is getting more complicated as our families get larger. I am the baby of the family. I always will be. As I was growing up, I struggled to find my niche. I wanted to be respected in my own right in whatever I chose. I didn't want to do what my older siblings were doing. I wanted to find something that was mine alone. I think I managed to figure out my own path. More importantly, I am happy with who I am and where I am in life. I guess I didn't need to worry about finding my way. It just happened. To Susan, Nancy, Mark and Ellen. I don't say it often enough but... I love you very much! :)
NUMBER 23 - I love SLEEPING IN. Every day, I am summoned by the buzz of the alarm clock, the cries of Tucker waiting to be taking out and/or Rigo RUNNING to our bedroom. It is a rare occasion when I can just sleep until I wake up on my own. Just for the record, I like sleeping in, even if it means sleeping only until 7:00. It makes me happy!
NUMBER 24 - I was born on a cold, cold night on DECEMBER 21, 2010. My mom could tell that the time was getting close so she asked my Dad to bring her to the hospital. She was very tired as she hadn't slept well for days prior to the due date. She didn't seem to be progressing very fast so the nurse suggested a sleeping pill to help her rest. Next thing she knew, I was laying by her side. She slept through the whole thing. Go figure. I'm happy for her - sort of. It seems weird that you could deliver a baby while sleeping. Meanwhile, my dad had a chat with the pastor at their church. (At that point, they hadn't chosen a name for me.)Thinking out loud, he mentioned that since it was so close to Christmas, MAYBE Mary would be a good name for the baby. A few days later, Dad brought the church bulletin to my mom in the hospital. He showed her the section announcing the birth of Mary Jane Robertson! Oops. A little miscommunication, but it was a done deal and the name stuck. I don't mind at all that my dad and the pastor were responsible for naming me. I have always liked my name and it seems to fit ME.
NUMBER 25 - STEPH - I cannot believe that Steph will be leaving for college in about nine months. It will be weird not having her around the house and in some ways, I miss her already. The thing I appreciate most about Stephanie is her independence. She doesn't really like to be told what to do, but she does get things done. She is very capable and will have no trouble functioning in the adult world. Steph likes to fly "under the radar". She is very bright, very talented, very athletic...but never wants to be in the spotlight. I guess I might say that she knows who she is and what she is capable of, but doesn't need to prove it to anyone. She just is who she is. Steph reminds me a lot of myself when I was eighteen. I hope that our relationship continues to grow because I love her very, very much.
NUMBER 26 - POPCORN AND A MOVIE - Popcorn is a weakness for me. Wow! Set a giant bowl of popcorn in front of me and I will just eat it!...all of it! It is ridiculous and I am not proud of it, but I have no self-control when is comes to popcorn. Popcorn and a good movie WITH a friend or my family - priceless. Plus, if I'm eating, it is less likely that I will fall asleep during the movie - which I frequently do!! :)
NUMBER 27 - SHOPPING I hate to admit it, but yes, I do like shopping. I really try to keep a handle on it, but I think it is fun. I have an internal struggle with liking nice things and hating all the materialism I see in our culture. I'm not sure where the balance it, but I'm trying to figure it out. In reality, I don't get to shop much because I have no time. All in all, this is a good thing...but just for the record, yes, I do like to shop! :)
NUMBER 28 - BUCKET LIST - I haven't put a lot of thought into my bucket list, but if I were to start one, I would start with these three things.
1. I would love to tour Europe with Allen for about...a month.
2. I am in no hurry, but I would like to experience the joy of having grandchildren.
3. I would like to have a lake home where my family loved to visit.
NUMBER 29 - BIBLE STUDY I am in a Bible Study group that meets on Tuesday mornings. We have been meeting for many, many years. We are all about the same age and at the same stage in life. We laugh. We cry. We talk about our marriages, our kids, our health and our walk with God. We challenge each other, encourage each other and pray for each other. Of course we eat together - every week as a matter of fact!! :) Sometimes we even travel together. I am very blessed to have these supportive friends. They can relate to things that my kids or husband could never relate to. They understand. They are good friends for a girl to have! :)
NUMBER 30 - I asked for a "fashion" opinion to a young girl in the store today. Her reply?? "Well, the fashion THESE DAYS is to do this...," WOW!!! Talk about a slap in the face! These days?? Who did she think I was??? A 50-year-old woman who had been rocking in her chair for the last 20 years? Needless to say, I bristled at her response and felt a little offended. I mean REALLY!!! I HAVE been around the block a few times or so... I wasn't born yesterday!!! Well, maybe...that is the problem. Evidently...I am old...and even the clerk at the store knows it! I am counting this little story as NUMBER 30.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I have reached a significant milestone in my life. At about 5 a.m. on December 21, 2010, I will be turning 50 years old!! Wow! Sounds kind of old. I don't really "feel" that old. Don't get me wrong. I am certainly experiencing symptoms of a person who is aging. I have aches and pains, I can't see or hear as well as I used to and I am definitely seeing changes as I look in the mirror. However, I AM the youngest sibling in my family and I am the youngest of many of my friends, so I have always thought of myself as the "baby". I'm not sure if that is good or bad. It just is. Having kids later in life has also made me believe that I am younger than I really am. I'm sure it will all catch up with me...and one of these days, I will feel like an old woman. All of this is to say. I don't feel like I should be 50 YET. Is that normal for most people? Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter HOW I feel. The truth is...I AM 50 and being 50 has made me think about where I've been, who I am and what is most important to me. What a great time for me to share some of those thoughts. Here are 50 things that mean a lot to me. (I will post these 15 at a time.) They are in no particular order...they are just people and things that bless my life. Here goes...
NUMBER 1 - I know that I said that these are in no particular order, but the first thing, the first person that tops EVERY list EVERY time is my dear, dear husband, ALLEN. I cannot imagine life without him. What a gift to be married to my best friend. There is no one I would rather spend time with. There is no one I would rather talk to. Allen is kind, gentle, unselfish, and hard-working. Bottom line? He humbly lives out his faith every day...and leads our family with a quiet strength. I think he is very funny and fun to hang around! I am so proud of my husband and love living life with him.
NUMBER 2 - MUSIC Wow! I love music. It has played a huge part in my life. I remember waiting for the bus when I was a child thinking that..."If I could only listen to music all the time, I would ALWAYS be happy!" Probably not exactly accurate, but it was a good indication of how much I enjoyed it... even back then. I am thankful for all the years of piano lessons and flute lessons. It is very relaxing for me to just sit down and play. It is very personal and worshipful for me to express myself though music. Music is a beautiful gift.
NUMBER 3 - MOM - There are not many people in this world who can accomplish as much in a day as my 83-year-old mother. I am very blessed to have my mom. The thing I love most about her is her servant heart. I love that she volunteers and is always the first to make a casserole or cake for people crisis. She loves entertaining and welcoming new people into the fold. Most of all, my mom LOVES our family. She would do anything for any one of us. Any time, any place. I love my Mom.
NUMBER 4 - I LOVE CHRISTMAS! People often ask me if it is a bummer to have my birthday so close to Christmas. Really? I think it is SO, SO special. Everything is so beautiful when my birthday roles around. I was named Mary in part because I was born so close to Christmas and Jesus' birthday is just a few days later! How cool is that?? I do love the lights, music, presents, food and parties, but Christmas is so special to me... I guess because it is everything I believe in. It is about HOPE. :)
NUMBER 5 - KRISTIN - I had lunch with Kristin yesterday. I can't believe that she is going to be married soon! I love the gentle way she approaches life. She is easy to talk to and brings a certain calm to our family. So thankful for my daughter, Kristin!
NUMBER 6 - PETER - I remember Peter when he was still in a car seat. Even then, I thought he was such a nice, nice boy! I would have to say that NOW...He is a nice, nice young man! What I know about Peter is that he is hard-working and a man of integrity. I appreciate that he is so accepting of everyone in our family. It is obvious that he takes his faith very seriously and is seeking God. He reminds me of Allen in a lot of ways! Thankful for you, Pete!
NUMBER 7 - DAD - Everyone loves my dad. I run into people all the time that say, "Wow, I sure do enjoy your Dad!! He is quite a character!" It makes me smile and love him even more that I already do. He is a bit of a "loose cannon" but I've learned to just appreciate the quirky things that come out of his mouth! The thing I've learned from my dad is the importance of honesty and humility. He, also is a man of integrity. I could talk all day about my dad...because I love him so much. Even though he is well into his 80's, I see him as a source of strength and stability.
NUMBER 8 - TRAVEL - Hawaii, Italy, Philippines, Spain, Alaska, Arizona, the BWCA, California, Ukraine, Mexico, Israel, Wisconsin, the North Shore, etc... I love to travel and see the world. What a gift to have traveled to many, many places in the world. The best part is that I have been able to share them with people that I love-mostly Allen! I look forward to lots more travels and lots more adventures!!
NUMBER 9 - "NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP" This is one of my favorite quotes. It is so simple, but profound. I have been encouraged with this quote many times when I was so ready to give up. It is on my refrigerator.
NUMBER 10 - PHOTOS - I have always loved the idea of capturing moments on film. A picture is worth a thousand words is true in my opinion. I can see a picture of our early years in Cambridge and know exactly how I felt at that particular moment. Pictures help us so see where we have been and how far we have come. It give us roots and a sense of belonging. We have many, many photo albums in our home. I am currently way behind in picture organization!! Maybe I'll get may act together one of these days and start creating digital photo albums! For now, I have thousands of pictures clogging up my computer waiting for a place to go!! :)
NUMBER 11 - RODRIGO - Having two sons has changed my life. Rigo and Romeo are all boy with lots of energy. Rodrigo is often the first one up in the morning. How do we know that? Because he RUNS up the stairs, RUNS to see Tucker, then RUNS to our bedroom to see if Allen and I are awake. He pretty much RUNS all day long until his pillow hits the bed. Rigo loves to DO things, GO places and HELP whenever he can. He is still figuring out the English language and frequently makes us smile with his cute expressions. A few weeks ago he said to me, "Mom, I hope you don't die!" My interpretation of that is "I love you, Mom" and I am honored that he wants me to hang around for a while. I love that he still sits on my lap in public and is free with his hugs and kisses. Oh, to think I might have missed out on this little boy of mine. I love Rigo.
NUMBER 12 - I grew up on a FARM. There were times (especially when I was a teenager) when I hated it. I felt isolated and cut off from the world. On the other hand, I did like the peace and quiet. I would go up in our barn and play with baby kittens for hours and hours...all by myself. I loved it!! Maybe that is why I like animals and quiet so much. I now consider my growing up years on the farm as a gift.
NUMBER 13 - RED - I love the color red. Pink, orange, purple...anything related to red is good too. Yep, I love the color red!
NUMBER 14 - Speaking of red, I had a horse named RED when I was growing up on the farm. I spent a lot of time just hanging out with Red when I was a kid. I rode her bareback everywhere I went - we didn't have a saddle. Sometimes I met my friends on their horses for an afternoon ride. What great memories! When I got to high school, I didn't spend as much time with her anymore. It was one of the saddest days of my life when I learned that my parents had sold her.
NUMBER 15 - TUCKER - Tucker is the name of our new puppy. I love puppies and better yet, puppy breath! He makes me think of the future and of many fun adventures with our youngest kids.
Stay tuned for 16 -30 and thanks for reading!! :)
NUMBER 1 - I know that I said that these are in no particular order, but the first thing, the first person that tops EVERY list EVERY time is my dear, dear husband, ALLEN. I cannot imagine life without him. What a gift to be married to my best friend. There is no one I would rather spend time with. There is no one I would rather talk to. Allen is kind, gentle, unselfish, and hard-working. Bottom line? He humbly lives out his faith every day...and leads our family with a quiet strength. I think he is very funny and fun to hang around! I am so proud of my husband and love living life with him.
NUMBER 2 - MUSIC Wow! I love music. It has played a huge part in my life. I remember waiting for the bus when I was a child thinking that..."If I could only listen to music all the time, I would ALWAYS be happy!" Probably not exactly accurate, but it was a good indication of how much I enjoyed it... even back then. I am thankful for all the years of piano lessons and flute lessons. It is very relaxing for me to just sit down and play. It is very personal and worshipful for me to express myself though music. Music is a beautiful gift.
NUMBER 3 - MOM - There are not many people in this world who can accomplish as much in a day as my 83-year-old mother. I am very blessed to have my mom. The thing I love most about her is her servant heart. I love that she volunteers and is always the first to make a casserole or cake for people crisis. She loves entertaining and welcoming new people into the fold. Most of all, my mom LOVES our family. She would do anything for any one of us. Any time, any place. I love my Mom.
NUMBER 4 - I LOVE CHRISTMAS! People often ask me if it is a bummer to have my birthday so close to Christmas. Really? I think it is SO, SO special. Everything is so beautiful when my birthday roles around. I was named Mary in part because I was born so close to Christmas and Jesus' birthday is just a few days later! How cool is that?? I do love the lights, music, presents, food and parties, but Christmas is so special to me... I guess because it is everything I believe in. It is about HOPE. :)
NUMBER 5 - KRISTIN - I had lunch with Kristin yesterday. I can't believe that she is going to be married soon! I love the gentle way she approaches life. She is easy to talk to and brings a certain calm to our family. So thankful for my daughter, Kristin!
NUMBER 6 - PETER - I remember Peter when he was still in a car seat. Even then, I thought he was such a nice, nice boy! I would have to say that NOW...He is a nice, nice young man! What I know about Peter is that he is hard-working and a man of integrity. I appreciate that he is so accepting of everyone in our family. It is obvious that he takes his faith very seriously and is seeking God. He reminds me of Allen in a lot of ways! Thankful for you, Pete!
NUMBER 7 - DAD - Everyone loves my dad. I run into people all the time that say, "Wow, I sure do enjoy your Dad!! He is quite a character!" It makes me smile and love him even more that I already do. He is a bit of a "loose cannon" but I've learned to just appreciate the quirky things that come out of his mouth! The thing I've learned from my dad is the importance of honesty and humility. He, also is a man of integrity. I could talk all day about my dad...because I love him so much. Even though he is well into his 80's, I see him as a source of strength and stability.
NUMBER 8 - TRAVEL - Hawaii, Italy, Philippines, Spain, Alaska, Arizona, the BWCA, California, Ukraine, Mexico, Israel, Wisconsin, the North Shore, etc... I love to travel and see the world. What a gift to have traveled to many, many places in the world. The best part is that I have been able to share them with people that I love-mostly Allen! I look forward to lots more travels and lots more adventures!!
NUMBER 9 - "NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP" This is one of my favorite quotes. It is so simple, but profound. I have been encouraged with this quote many times when I was so ready to give up. It is on my refrigerator.
NUMBER 10 - PHOTOS - I have always loved the idea of capturing moments on film. A picture is worth a thousand words is true in my opinion. I can see a picture of our early years in Cambridge and know exactly how I felt at that particular moment. Pictures help us so see where we have been and how far we have come. It give us roots and a sense of belonging. We have many, many photo albums in our home. I am currently way behind in picture organization!! Maybe I'll get may act together one of these days and start creating digital photo albums! For now, I have thousands of pictures clogging up my computer waiting for a place to go!! :)
NUMBER 11 - RODRIGO - Having two sons has changed my life. Rigo and Romeo are all boy with lots of energy. Rodrigo is often the first one up in the morning. How do we know that? Because he RUNS up the stairs, RUNS to see Tucker, then RUNS to our bedroom to see if Allen and I are awake. He pretty much RUNS all day long until his pillow hits the bed. Rigo loves to DO things, GO places and HELP whenever he can. He is still figuring out the English language and frequently makes us smile with his cute expressions. A few weeks ago he said to me, "Mom, I hope you don't die!" My interpretation of that is "I love you, Mom" and I am honored that he wants me to hang around for a while. I love that he still sits on my lap in public and is free with his hugs and kisses. Oh, to think I might have missed out on this little boy of mine. I love Rigo.
NUMBER 12 - I grew up on a FARM. There were times (especially when I was a teenager) when I hated it. I felt isolated and cut off from the world. On the other hand, I did like the peace and quiet. I would go up in our barn and play with baby kittens for hours and hours...all by myself. I loved it!! Maybe that is why I like animals and quiet so much. I now consider my growing up years on the farm as a gift.
NUMBER 13 - RED - I love the color red. Pink, orange, purple...anything related to red is good too. Yep, I love the color red!
NUMBER 14 - Speaking of red, I had a horse named RED when I was growing up on the farm. I spent a lot of time just hanging out with Red when I was a kid. I rode her bareback everywhere I went - we didn't have a saddle. Sometimes I met my friends on their horses for an afternoon ride. What great memories! When I got to high school, I didn't spend as much time with her anymore. It was one of the saddest days of my life when I learned that my parents had sold her.
NUMBER 15 - TUCKER - Tucker is the name of our new puppy. I love puppies and better yet, puppy breath! He makes me think of the future and of many fun adventures with our youngest kids.
Stay tuned for 16 -30 and thanks for reading!! :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Peter asked Kristin to marry him...and we couldn't be happier!! Yeah! On October 2, after the PROPOSAL and a nice day together, the two love birds came back to our house for a little celebration. (Unfortunately, Peter's parents were out of town, so it was just the Mork clan.) Everyone was so excited when they came in! Hugs all around. The excited couple sat down and told us about their day and their plans. The cake and the phone calls came later!
We decided to have another more private celebration yesterday with only the parents. How fun to spend time with each other! Kristin is blessed to be marrying an incredible man. I would describe him as...TRUE BLUE! She is also blessed to be joining a wonderful family. And WE are thrilled to be adding another amazing son-in-law to our family! Welcome, Peter!!! Current Mork tally - 5 boys, 5 girls! The boys are finally catching up! Who woulda thoughtt!!!!?? Congratulations Pete and Kristin!!
The date has been set for July 9th. Let the planning begin!!

It is the end of the fall sports season. For us, that means no more tennis, football, swimming and cross country. Tennis and football are two new sports to our family, but we have been doing cross country for a few years and swimming for even longer. (Eleven years to be exact!). Last Tuesday was our last CI Bluejacket swim meet. Weird!!! It was not only Steph's last regular meet, it was the end of a chapter for our family. In 1999, Lindsay started swimming. We never imagined that we would have such a long run with girls swimming. I didn't really think about it until someone asked how it felt... Then, as I sat there, I started thinking of all the swimming memories, both good and bad throughout the years. It has been a character builder for our three oldest daughters and it has been a connecter for our family. Steph has the section meet coming up next week, but for all practical purposes, our days of girls swimming is over. Thanks to Lindsay, Kristin and Steph for choosing swimming. It has been a wonderful chapter in our lives!
Saturday was Kristin's last MIAC cross country race. It was the last race that we will watch her run in. We have SO MUCH fun trying to chase the runners around the golf course! It was bittersweet knowing that it was our last time! Kristin worked so hard and finished in the top 20!! Amazing! Good job, Kristin! We couldn't be more proud!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Last Friday, my baby... my FIRST baby... well, I guess she is my LAST baby...oh wait, she is my THIRD SPECIAL baby Stephanie, turned 18. 18!!!!!!!! Wait!! How does that happen??? It seems like last week that we brough Steph home from the hospital. Now she looks down at me, is so smart, wears makeup and has a boyfriend. Of all my kids, Steph has grown up the fastest. Maybe that just happens when you are the third and just get swept up in the busyness of everyone else's life. At any rate, we celebrated Steph's birthday this weekend. She asked for pasta and that is what we had! Happy, happy birthday to my grown-up baby daughter Stephanie! You are amazing, girlie!! I love you!!

RUFA MAE. How many Rufa Mae's do you know? It certainly isn't a name you hear every least here in the US. I knew a girl by the name of RUFA MAE. I met her in January 2008 for the first time. She and her brother John Ray have brittle-bone disease. Their little bodies are twisted and very, very fragile. Their family lives just next to the Children's Shelter of Cebu where our children lived for three years. Allen met and fell in love with this family in 2006 when he and Kristin went to CSC with our church. I did the same a couple of years later.
Rufa Mae was a very bright girl despite her crumpled little body. She was so, so sweet and always had a smile for anyone. She loved being with other kids at the shelter and being a part of the action! Last week, she was crowned QUEEN at CSC's United Nation's Celebration!!! It was a very happy day for her. The next day, she was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. Her weak little body just couldn't fight it off and she passed away.
We loved visiting them each chance we had. I spent an hour in their tiny home when Roselyn and I visited Cebu last June. It was a wonderful visit. Rufa Mae was in fine form, just smiling, talking and asking questions about our life in her tiny little voice. God blessed me by knowing this little 12-year-old girl. She had such a sweet and gentle spirit and was accepting of her life situation. She was an inspiration to me and many, many other people around the world. I wonder if she had any idea of what an incredible blessing she was to so many of us?? I know that it has made me think about my life and the things that I hold near. Every day is a gift. Thanks for reminding me of that, Rufa Mae!
I am so happy that Rufa Mae is no longer trapped in her crippled body. She is probably running around, jumping and enjoying the arms of her Heavenly Father! Please check the CSC website to learn a little bit more about Rufa Mae. Please pray for her family as well as the CSC family as they mourn her loss and celebrate her life!
Monday, September 13, 2010

The week before school starts is always an interesting time. This year, there just wasn't enough things to do. The days got kind of long for all of us. What could be better than a day at an amusement park and an afternoon at the fair? Well, ALL of the Morks (except Bernie) made the trip to Valleyfair for a final family get-together. It was a GORGEOUS day and the lines were relatively short. (I suspect that most of the people decided to go to the State Fair!) At any rate, it was a fine day.
I used to love to go on rides! Not so much now. I do it because I want to be with my kids, but just about kills me sometimes. I bowed out quite a few times on this particular day- taking on the role of the token "mom" who holds all the stuff and tries to get a picture. The picture-taking is usually futile, but I gave it a shot. For the rides that I chose to sit out on, I didn't mind NOT riding, but I did mind not sharing the experience with the rest of the fam. I hate missing stuff. Well, anyway, I had fun watching everyone, keeping track of all the "stuff" and have a few minutes of quiet.
I find it so interesting how each child reacts to wild rides. One of my children would just as soon sit and read a book. A couple of them love that feeling when your stomach drops out of your body. I have a screamer... and a couple of kids who just kind of go because everyone else is going. Who knows if they like any of the rides or not? I love the thrill, but hate the sick, dizzy, "I think I am going to be sick" feeling. And Allen, well, he is just a good sport and seems to be ok doing just about anything (including the POWER TOWER!).
Bjork was the rebel/hero for the day. ALL of us decided to take a ride on HIGH ROLLER, the oldest roller coaster at the park. He and Lindsay were in the front car looking back at the rest of us. Thinking it would be a cool picture, Bjork pulled out his camera phone and started snapping pictures as we made our way up the very first ramp. The intensity was building as we got nearer to the top of the first "hill" when suddenly, we came to a complete stop. This ride is old and quite rickety so my first thought was...malfunction. The loudspeaker came on and the ride lady said, "PLEASE, PUT YOUR CAMERA AWAY!!" The guilty party quickly shoved his camera in his pocket..and the train started up again. Whew, no malfunction! After the ride, we all made a quick exit as to avoid further scolding. Another Mork Family memory. We were all there to witness and remember it! Thanks, Bjork for the comic relief and the highlight of the day!
Lastly, Rigo was the lucky one to get a day at the STATE FAIR with Grandpa and Grandma. It was his first time, so you can imagine all the great things he saw and did. The best thing from the day was not the animals, or the food, or the water ride that they got soaking wet on. It was the BIG GREEN HAT that Grandpa and Grandma bought for him. Go figure! Life is good when you are 8-years-old. :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010

School has officially started and it has been a week of FIRSTS.
Tuesday was Romeo and Rodrigo's official FIRST day of school. Steph was in school but not in class. She was at the high school as a mentor to incoming Freshmen on their FIRST day. (Notice the LINK CREW t-shirt in the picture.) Roselyn was at home with me on Tuesday...and still in bed when the other three started off for the day. Rigo and I made our FIRST batch of chocolate chip cookies for the school year.
Wednesday was Steph and Roselyn's FIRST day of classes. It was my FIRST day at work. It was Steph's FIRST day of her last year. Our baby is a senior! The FIRST homework assignments came home.
For me, today feels like the FIRST day of school. Everyone is gone and it is very quiet around here. These FIRST few days of school always seem to be long at first, but it doesn't take long before they will become a blur.
3 o'clock will come around before I know it. Rigo will walk home by himself for the FIRST time today. (He's been begging since his first day of kindergarten!) Later today we have a tennis match, football scrimmage and an away swim meet. That is a FIRST too! It's divide and conquer for Allen and me, but it is a lot of fun, to be sure. Hope you are enjoying the FIRST week of the school year! It's exciting stuff! :)
Friday, August 27, 2010

A couple weeks back, we had a little family ball game in our backyard. The challenge was between our family (Mork) and my brother's family (Robertson). We played regular softball last year and unfortunately for us...the Robertson family came up on top. This year, we decided to play whiffle ball instead. The game was fun, and quite competitive. We (the Mork family) were geared up to make a better showing than we did last year. The stakes were high. The dignity of our family was hanging in the balance.
We were down by three runs as we entered the bottom of the last inning. We were beginning to lose hope when Rigo hit a single home run. We managed to get two runners on base when I stepped up to the base. I really, really wanted to hit a home run. I really, really tried. I swung with all my might and hit the ball... right to the pitcher. Not too impressive. One out. Bjork stepped up to the plate. He positioned himself behind the plate. I have always liked this young man, but never really knew what a powerhouse hitter he was until he CRUSHED the ball out of the yard! It was a three-run walk-off home run!!! Our team went wild with excitement and the game was over! It was a proud day for the Mork family and Bjork was indeed the hero. Boy, am I glad he is on our team!! I am already looking forward to our annual ball game next year. It'll be sweet!
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today, I had most of the afternoon and evening to myself. It doesn't happen too often these days and I loved it! As much as I love my family, I recharge when I have time alone. Here is what I chose to do on this day.
1. I made jelly (from plum juice my mom gave me). It's been in my fridge for a few days so I took the chance to get it done - by myself. (Sorry, Rigo!)
2. Dishes, by myself, of course.
3. I wasted some time on Facebook.
4. Scrapbooking. I rarely have a chunk of time to do this and I have a graduation coming soon!! It was very fun and relaxing for me.
5. Watched the end of the Twin's game - by myself.
6. Listened to the radio - by myself.
7. OK, I broke down and made a trip to DQ - by myself. If you must know, I ordered a dipped strawberry Blizzard!
8. I watched a movie - by myself.
9. It is 9:30 and Roselyn will be home soon. I think I will pop some popcorn and watch some TV.
10. Oh yeah! I actually WASN'T alone today. I spent the day with Bernie. It was AWESOME. By the way, he is much, much better. Hope YOU had a quiet day!
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Last fall, Steph was part of a relay that set a new Girls Medley Swim record. They finally put the board up today! We have been involved with Cambridge-Isanti Girls swimming for the last 10 years and it was so great to see Steph finally get the MORK name on the record board! Good job, Steph!! We're proud of you!!
FYI - Mork will be changed to MORK...The man who delivered the board noticed the mistake on his way to the school.
Most of the books I read these days have to do with parenting. Raising Boys, Raising Teens, Boundaries, etc... My most recent book is called DISCONNECTED - Parenting Teens in a MySpace World by Chap and Dee Clark. It is very interesting and quite helpful as I try to stay connected to the teens under my roof.
According to these authors, "the period of adolescence has grown over the last few decades. When adolescence was first noticed, it took only a couple of years. When today's parents were kids, it lasted about seven or eight years. But today it is a long, drawnout passage that for most kids takes about fifteen years." Wow! I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that. Seems like a long time to me and frankly, it makes me kind of tired.! They go on to separate the years into early adolescence, midadolescence and late adolescence. I have children in each of these defined time periods...and some days, I am so overwhelmed with the choices and decisions that have to be made ...both for them and for me. It is a priority for me to stay connected with them which is why books like this intrigue me.
I understand the necessity of cell phones, Facebook and internet access in our world. However, these things have drastically changed teen culture even in the last decade... even since our first teenager came on the scene! It has definitely added to the challenge and complexity of parenting at our house. THAT is why I read books like DISCONNECTED so I can have a clue to what is going on and how I can be a better mom.
This books talks about the "world beneath". "The world beneath refers to the lone safe relational place midadolescents believe that have left --other kids. It is in this world where loyalty to each other is (usually) the greatest value they have. It is their own world where they do not feel they will be hassled or judged. It is the world where they have their own language, style, music and, for most kids at least during the midadolescent years, worldview. ...The best possible gift you can give your children as they move through the last decade of adolescence is the willingness to let them guide you, at least in understanding the world where you can never go." Interesting, and something to think about.
I get so consumed with the day-to-day business of running a household that I often don't take the time to learn about and really listen to my kids. It is an area I need to work on, no doubt. It takes time, energy and humility on my part. I am a work in progress, just like they are.
I would highly recommend DISCONNECTED if you have teenage children living in your home. It has made me rethink a few things about my own parenting. One last quote that I loved from the book... "Parenting is hard these day; perhaps it truly is, as the saying goes, today's most competitive adult sport." I would agree.
According to these authors, "the period of adolescence has grown over the last few decades. When adolescence was first noticed, it took only a couple of years. When today's parents were kids, it lasted about seven or eight years. But today it is a long, drawnout passage that for most kids takes about fifteen years." Wow! I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that. Seems like a long time to me and frankly, it makes me kind of tired.! They go on to separate the years into early adolescence, midadolescence and late adolescence. I have children in each of these defined time periods...and some days, I am so overwhelmed with the choices and decisions that have to be made ...both for them and for me. It is a priority for me to stay connected with them which is why books like this intrigue me.
I understand the necessity of cell phones, Facebook and internet access in our world. However, these things have drastically changed teen culture even in the last decade... even since our first teenager came on the scene! It has definitely added to the challenge and complexity of parenting at our house. THAT is why I read books like DISCONNECTED so I can have a clue to what is going on and how I can be a better mom.
This books talks about the "world beneath". "The world beneath refers to the lone safe relational place midadolescents believe that have left --other kids. It is in this world where loyalty to each other is (usually) the greatest value they have. It is their own world where they do not feel they will be hassled or judged. It is the world where they have their own language, style, music and, for most kids at least during the midadolescent years, worldview. ...The best possible gift you can give your children as they move through the last decade of adolescence is the willingness to let them guide you, at least in understanding the world where you can never go." Interesting, and something to think about.
I get so consumed with the day-to-day business of running a household that I often don't take the time to learn about and really listen to my kids. It is an area I need to work on, no doubt. It takes time, energy and humility on my part. I am a work in progress, just like they are.
I would highly recommend DISCONNECTED if you have teenage children living in your home. It has made me rethink a few things about my own parenting. One last quote that I loved from the book... "Parenting is hard these day; perhaps it truly is, as the saying goes, today's most competitive adult sport." I would agree.
Bernie is doing better today, but is still not his perky self. He has had little drinks of water during the day and a little bit of food tonight. It seems to be going quite well. His eyes look better too. Thanks for your concern!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

While we were at the cabin, I couldn't resist taking some pictures of my favorite (and only) dog, Bernie. He usually doesn't come with us, was there for only a few days, and will never visit again. It is (understandably) against the rules. Kristin and Steph got into the photo shoot, but make no mistake, the real star in these photos is my dog - our dog. Isn't he the cutest?...
Sadly, Bernie became ill today and had to make an emergency visit to the vet. He is a sick puppy with a really bad stomach ache! I took some pictures of my Bernie boy tonight. Not so perky. Not so photogenic. It makes me very sad to see him like this. Hoping tomorrow is a better day.
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