Today was Romeo's 12th birthday! It probably wasn't his first choice to be traveling, but we did try to celebrate the day! I thought the kids would be up at the crack of dawn, but they slept until about 7 a.m. I, on the other hand woke up at 4:30 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. Oh well. As predicted, the first activity of the day was swimming with Dad. Roselyn stayed behind with me to help pack. We had our own little birthday celebration in the room and Romeo also got several calls during the day (i.e. Grandpa and Grandma Mork, sisters...). He is such a happy kid. A little quirky sometimes, but awfully happy. You will love him!!
We left for the airport around 12:30. I was wondering how it would go but it was great. No problem with security or paperwork. The biggest issue is ALWAYS trying to keep Rodrigo on a short leash. He is very independent and afraid of NOTHING so walking out into a street would not phase him in the least. We have already had lots of talks about holding hands and sticking together. He has a zest for life and we are learning more about this cute little boy of ours.
Anyway, the flight was uneventful. Both of the boys got window seats and were thrilled. I sat next to Rigo and tried to keep him occupied for the one hour flight. My life has definitely taken a turn. Instead of the usual Midwest Living magazine in my lap, I was holding a Richard Scarry book and a dot-to-dot book. To be honest, it felt alright and we had a good time!
The ride to the guest house took about an hour. All of the kids fell asleep en route. How sweet to see Rodrigo leaning against Romeo. Allen and I have noticed that our kids watch out for each other. They have become close through their journey together. It makes me glad that we adopted three children. It will give them strength as the years go by.
We ate dinner at the guest house. We sat with some people who started asking questions about our family. I know that they didn't mean to be rude, but they started talking about our children in the third person. I was surprised at my reaction to this. We had been warned about this but I didn't really think it would happen so soon. Allen kept trying to shift the conversation to something else, but it was kind of awkward. Both Allen and I have already become rather protective of these three children of ours. One additional note - Roselyn, Romeo and Rodrigo sat so patiently during this dinner conversation. I couldn't believe it. We were both very proud of them!!
Last thing of the day was to go swimming again. This time we all went. It was fun and felt very refreshing. We have more shopping to do tomorrow and plan on ice skating as well. (Go figure!) Should be another busy day. It was very scary a few days ago to think of being on our own with our kids but now that we are "flying solo" we are doing ok. Allen and I are very impressed with how far our kids have come the past 3 years. They are generally very happy, polite and considerate kids. We feel very blessed to call them our sons and daughter. We have a long way to go, but wow, if only you could see them. Oh, yeah... I guess you WILL see them...and you will be amazed!! Enough rambling. Thanks for checking in!
Hi Morks! Please say "Happy Birthday" to Romeo from the Holmbergs! You can't beleive how many times a day I check my computer to see if there is a post from the Morks! So glad to hear from you again. You are now in Manila and on your way into the rest of your life! I can't wait to meet these three! I can say with all sincerity that kids from CSC are great kids!Please continue to keep us posted as often as you can! Our prayers are with you every minute of the day!
It's nice to hear how well things are going for the five of you. That pool water looked awfully inviting. It's warm back here, too! Take care, precious Mork family. We look forward to meeting your new children.
Happy Birthday to Romeo. How exciting to be able to share a "first" birthday with him. We are glad to hear that things are going well and can't wait to meet everyone. Hang in there with the questions and things others want to discuss in front of the kids, and it is ok to say that you don't mean to be rude but that you would prefer not to discuss (whatever) at this time to people. We are praying for you all (and checking you blog many times a day!)
I love the pictures of the kids and how affectionate they seem to be with each other. I also love picturing you with Rodrigo on the plane. This is going to be another side of Mary Mork and I love it! You guys are in our prayers.
Happy Birthday Romeo! Reading your posts and seeing the pictures - WOW - I am right there with you!! I can't tell you how thrilled we are for you all. I am so excited to get re-acquainted with your kids; Laura is about to jump out of her skin (as you can imagine!). She went to Kristin's meet on Saturday (exciting!). You are all in our prayers!!!
Nancy and I have enjoyed your blog and following the journey. We so look forward to meeting Roselyn, Romeo and Rodrigo.
Happy Birthday to Romeo.
Enjoy the trip home.
Praying for you,
Bob and Nancy
Hi everyone! A special Happy Birthday to Romeo! It is great to see you together. We had a "grandson birthday" on Sunday. Evan was thrilled with his new sweatshirt and LOTS of new socks! Mary, you will never have enough socks for the boys! ha ha.(at least nice white ones)
Have a safe trip home! Love, Rox and Ken
Mary, It is so wonderful to read your blog every day. I feel like I am right there on the trip with you guys! Looking forward to meeting the rest of the Mork children!! They look so happy. How could they not be with you 2 as parents!!
with love,
Adie and the whole Wolcyn family.
Hi Mary and Allen,
OK I have been reading your blog daily and I have tried to comment before but they don't show up, so hopefully this will. I 'm so excited for you and to meet our new family members. All of your faces tell the story. We are praying for the trip and you as a family. You are truly blessed and a real blessing and inspiration to all of us. Love to all!!
Hopefully we will have a new member when you get home!
Hi Guys! Your daughter finally showed me what i was doing wrong-now I can post a comment! Happy Birthday from the Berg's to Romeo. Can't wait to see him at CIS! Welcome to my world of chasing independent little kids and reading the same book over and over!! Glad it is going well. Looks like there is some great bonding going on! Can't wait to see all of you! Much love, The Berg's
Greetings Mork Family!
So, so great! I'm so excited to see you all when you get home. Thanks for keeping us updated! Happy birthday Romeo!
Hooray! Sounds like an amazing day! :)
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