This line was repeated several times by Rodrigo. He must have said it at least 6 times at the pool today.
Overall, today was a very good day! We went to a government office as Roselyn needed to sit in on a seminar for older kids who are going overseas. We also met a representative from ICAB there which is the department here that governs international adoptions. He had the long awaited visas and passports. We spent about 4 hours there - then went and had lunch at Jollibees (the Filipino McDonald's). After that we went on to the ICAB office. It was a bit surreal to finally be there. It had become almost a mythical place as we had heard and used this acronym so many times and so to get to the actual place after all this time was even a bit emotional. There we met with a social worker who had a lot of paperwork including travel documents that we will need tomorrow. They were so kind to us at ICAB and gave a few small gifts to the kids and even brought us juice and coffee before we left.
After ICAB we went back to the guesthouse. I should mention that to get around Manila - we have had a driver named Danny who is great! He drove our family on our last trip and has done this each day the past several days. He has a very sweet manner and knows the maze of Manila streets and highways like the back of his hand. His English is not so good (our Tagalog though is much worse!) so our conversations can be very interesting at times - but we manage to understand each other just fine. The real test though will be to see if he understands that our pickup time tomorrow is 4 am - not pm!!
The rest of the afternoon was spent shooting a few baskets, a lot of time swimming and some packing up. A movie followed dinner and now the kids are asleep. Mary and I (yes, she let me be a guest writer again!!) are finishing our packing tonight and taking a deep breath as we prepare for a very long but very exciting day tomorrow. Our flight leaves Manila at 7:45 am and we arrive at MSP airport at 11 am - all on Saturday! Pray for us to be able to keep Rodrigo in sight at the airports tomorrow. He is such a good kid but is fascinated by that type of environment. He also has a very independent streak! When we do remind him - he will stay close - we just need to remind him every couple of minutes or just keep our hands on him!!
Our trip has been nothing short of unbelievable!! (we really do say that a lot as our kids pointed out today!) We have felt so loved and supported by everyone at home - thank you!! Your encouraging words and prayers have meant so much to all of us.
We are biased of course - but we look forward to having you meet our 3 new unbelievable and very special kids sometime soon!! Minnesota - here we come!
Allen and Mary,
We are thinking about you today as you begin your journey home as a new family. Please know that we have been keeping not only you there but also the rest of your family here very much in our prayers! You will love your time at the airport when you are all reunited. Your girls will finally get to meet the rest of their family. Have kleenex handy as it will be emotional!
I came across this blessing from Genesis 28:15 and am praying it in honor of you guys: "I know that you are with me and will keep me wherever I go, and will bring me back to this land."
We are praying for you all! Allen's writing about your last day and Barb's comment have brought tears to my eyes. I can only imagine the reunion at the airport! As anxious as we all are to see you again, I can't imagine what your girls must be feeling. I spoke briefly with Steph on Wed. night. We're so glad you'll be together as a family soon. Blessings to you all!
Jared and Mandy
Hip, hip, hooray! You're almost home! It will be a joy to have you back in the three!
It looks like it might end up being a tie between your kids and our new baby. It has been a back and forth race and you had a good lead for most of the week but we just checked into the hospital this morning. We may just end up delivering tomorrow morning as you guys arrive. We are so excited for you and can't wait for all of the exciting introductions that we will have in the next days.
Aaron and Erica
Dear Morks:
Lindsay just showed me your blog last night, and I have really enjoyed reading about your week or so in Cebu! You are SO close to being back home in MN with the kids!! I hope the traveling goes smoothly and you'll be back before you know it. I hope to meet the new Mork kids sometime after you get all settled in!
Take care,
Ashley Childs (Linds' roommate)
Hi Morks,
Yeah...We can't wait for you to all be together. The airport will be a memory forever! Like Barb said, the Kleenex are a must!! Have fun and praying for you all!!
The Dobles
Allen, Mary and family, just read all of your letters as my computer has not been hooked up since we got to AZ. I love reading all of your thoughts am so happy for all of you and looking forward to meeting the 3 R's in the speing. love Karyn
in a few hours.... :)
How fun to be home in a few hours as a family...just like Christmas morning when your whole family is together and there is nothing better oh, that and a cup of coffee to boot!
Dear Allen, Mary,
Welcome to N. American airspace! We are so pleased you are nearly home. We'll be at the airport in spirit but not in flesh. Blessings, Dad and Mom.
We are so excited for you all. What a sweet reunion you will have today. We pray that these first days home will go smoothly and that the transitions for your kids will go well.
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