Allen Mork - Guest Writer for the Day!!!
Day three started off with a text at 4:30 am (Cebu time!) from one of our daughters. It was about Kristin's cross country race (MIAC championship). It was great to hear from Steph and Lindsay who were there to cheer her on - and besides the text messages -they sent a few pictures to our cell phone. One of them was of the three of them after the race - and when we saw it - we both started crying as we realized how much we missed them. Even though it was an early and emotional start to the day - it was good and we appreciated hearing from them. By the way - Kristin had a very good race, finishing 14th and helping her Bethel team to a second place finish - missing first by only 2 points! Great job, Kristin!
Paul Healy picked us up much later in the morning and had our kids with him - then off to the church where they usually attend. We went to the later service as that one is in English - a very good choice given our limited Cebuano vocabulary!! It was very meaningful for us to worship there with our kids. Rodrigo sat next to me and did what any tired 6 year old American kid would do once the sermon started - he fell sound asleep!
After the service - we went out to eat with them as well as a few other CSC staff. Then we dropped the kids off at the shelter and went and met with their social worker, Carmelita. It was helpful to hear more in detail about what the circumstances were that brought them to CSC and again very sobering to understand more of what they have been through. Our plan is to go with Carmelita and Paul tomorrow to see their former neighborhood and the drop-in center where the two older kids where placed prior to coming to CSC. The rest of the afternoon was spent at the shelter playing with all of the CSC kids. Tonight was a traditional Filipino style dinner at the Cherne home where our kids currently live (with about 30 other kids). Romeo and one other boy in that house had their birthdays celebrated during dinner tonight and it was great to be a part of that as well!
Overall, today was a better day for us as well as our kids. It just seemed more natural to be around them and I think they feel more comfortable with us. After we got out of the car to go to the restaurant - Rodrigo reached up and grabbed my hand and held it as we walked in. Tonight as we said good-bye - the boys started up the stairs - only to be called back down to give their mother a good night hug and although slightly embarrassed as boys are with that sort of thing - they had big smiles on their face and it was clear that they liked it as well! It was a great way to end the day!
Tomorrow has more meetings with staff as well as the tour of their former neighborhood - then the "farewell" at CSC about 4pm and truly starting life with us as we bring them back to the hotel. Please pray for them as this can obviously be a very emotional time for them as well as the kids they leave behind. It will be a hard thing for all 3 but we are most concerned for Roselyn. We want to allow normal "grieving" while making sure she feels loved and supported during that time.
We are so grateful for the many prayers during the past few days and the many words of support, encouragement and love we have received from family and friends. We appreciate all of you more than you can possibly imagine - thanks!
It has been so fun reading and looking at pictures. You did a great job as guest writer, Allen! We are praying daily for you in so many ways...Elizabeth is VERY anxious to help out with entertaining your kids! Please let us know how we can help out once you get home. Take it day by day and know that God's guidance will help you through this exciting, yet scary time! We look forward to more updates. All my love to you guys...Please send a hug Mary's way!
What a blessing to have the information that you have about the kids transition and past 3 years. It will be so helpful to know what you are dealing with when the tough times come. I can just picture those two boys faces when you asked for a good night hug. I see it most nights at our house. Total bummer on their faces but gigantic smiles in their hearts. It sounds like you are making a great slow transition. Fantastic! Can't wait to hear how things go on a full time basis. I am praying for all 8 of you. Wow!
Love the photos of Rodrigo in his bunk and happy Romeo with his birthday cake. Tell Roselyn that I think she is just too pretty. Such beautiful heart is full just thinking about all of you.
Wow - I just really need to remember to keep a box of kleenex with me at all times when reading this blog!
Your blog has been a pleasure to read these last few days. We are so excited for the way God has called you to this new place in life. We, probably in different way than others, are sharing in your excitement, anxiety, and joy as you open your hearts to our new cousins. Thus far it looks like you are winning the race as our new addition seems bent on taking his/her time arriving. We go in again on Wednesday and the earliest we would be induced is Friday. Your arrival and ours might end up being on the same day or weekend. We love you. The things God is doing in your lives are such beautiful works of his grace and we are rejoicing with you! We'll see you soon.
Aaron and Erica
I know that it is sobering to see and hear what your children have come through, but what a wonderful blessing to have insight into the things that have helped shape them into the people that they are. Know that we will continue to pray for you as you go through the rest of your trip and beyond.
Thank you so much for sharing your journey! It has been so neat to hear about all the steps along the way. You two are going to be great parents to these precious children. God will give you all that you need. I'll be praying for you and thinking about all of you especially during these next emotionally charged days.
Melissa Krohn
well you seem a little annoyed that i sent you that text! i didnt expect you to wake up!! oh well:)
love you!
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