Today was yet another adventure. I wish I could tell you all the stuff that has happened, but there is simply not enough time. I already feel like I could write a book about our journey but I guess for now I have children to tend to! We visited the WW2 American Cemetery in Manila. We thought it would be a good idea to see this memorial and point out how Filipinos and Americans served together in the war. It was a beautiful cemetery where 17,000 soldiers are buried. Another 35,000 were listed as part of the memorial. I'm sure it wasn't all that interesting to the kids, but it will be neat to remember that we went there.
After the cemetery came another trip to the mall. Roselyn and I still had some shopping to do and the boys decided to go ice skating. It was a hoot watching the three of them go around in circles on the ice. Neither had been ice skating EVER before but you could not tell by the way they were flying around the rink. They were passing Allen up in no time. It was pretty amazing. Oh, and did I mention that there was NO FEAR at all??!!! I asked Rigo if he fell down. He knew that he had fallen EXACTLY 6 times! I thought that was quite funny.
Roselyn is anxious to get HOME. These days in Manila are good for us, but she is ready to start her new life in the US. I can't blame her. After all, hanging out with 2 brothers and the parents is probably not all that fun for a 15-year-old girl. She has been a real trooper and has made the best of it.
It was back to the guest house, swimming, dinner, Yahtzee, books and bed. Wow! One more day of sightseeing, a final visit to the Inter-Country Adoption Board and we will be on our way back to Minnesota. I talked with Bill Berg a few weeks back about "normal" and how it relates to adoption. I am craving "normal" again and I am anxious to return to it, but it will definitely be a "new normal". I get glimpses of our "new normal" every day now. Everything still seems so new and out of the ordinary, but every once in a while, I have a feeling of calm because I know that this is going to be our "new normal". It will be different for all of us, especially our kids. Our "new normal" pales in comparison to theirs. At the end of every day, I continue to marvel at how well they are doing. There are sad moments, but really, they are taking all of this in stride. I am so proud of them! I am so glad that we will be able to help them to settle in on a NEW NORMAL that is secure.
One last comment about my husband. Well, as you might imagine, he is AMAZING! I get such a kick watching him with the boys and managing our new family beautifully. You should see him! Rodrigo and Romeo love him! What's not to love??? He is patient with them and PLAYS with them all the time!!!! The downside is that he is an "old" father and when 9:30 p.m. rolls around, it's straight to bed for this man! If you know Allen at all, he is definitely a night owl. I think this may cure him once and for all. Thank you again for your prayers and your comments. It is something we look forward to at the end of every day.
Allen and Mary, Thanks for the update. We, too, look foreward to hearing from you more often than we ever imagined!
In regard to your comments about "old", you will have more motivation to "run, walk etc." to keep up with your family but we can assure you that your kids will continue to help you do that!
Well,better get going as tonight is Wednesday night supper....meatballs and potatoes and pumpkin bars (to be made yet)...will be great to have the Morks join us...Love to all of you! Love, Rox and Ken
Hi Allen, Mary and Kids!
I was once again so excited to get the daily update from you. We visited the same cemetary when we were in Manila with our kids. It was a very important experience for all of us. We got some great pictures too but I think the one of Rigo and Romeo amongst the white crosses could be an award winner!
I am wondering if the "attendance lady" (ME) will get to finally mark the Mork boys as "present" this next Sunday?!?
Hi Allen and Mary,
We really enjoy reading what u all have been up to. It sounds like u have been so busy! (but fun) Your kids seem like such brave troopers... (and their parents :)
I am so happy for Allen- I always knew he would be a wonderful "dad" for boys (as he is already for girls) and it is so cool to see him get to do it!
Mary, thanks for documenting your journey and letting us be involved- what a great mom u r.
I second Barb...I love that picture of Rigo and Romeo w/ their arms arms around each other! Can't wait to hear about the "new normal" of the Morks very soon :)
it's so fun to hear about your new adventure..normal will come soon enough. Enjoy the ride!
Allen and Mary,
Thank you for the update and all the cute pictures. I'm excited to meet our new cousins!
We're praying for a safe trip home.
Kim Voigt
Hi Mork Family-
Great Pictures! I am glad things are going smoothly and absolutely cannot wait to hear all about the trip. The updates are wonderful!
See you soon!! Jody
Mary and Allen,
I have simply LOVED reading and seeing all about your experiences since you arrived in the Philippines! Thank You for sharing your story with us. There are not words to express how much we are praying for you and your children. We cannot wait to meet them and to see you home again! God's Blessings on the rest of your travels.
Much Much Love,
Hi Expanded Mork Family!
What interesting days you have been having! It really has been great to keep up with you. We are very excited to see you all and for your whole family to be together. It won't be long now! God Bless You!! Love, The Berg's
p.s We would like to adopt Steph! Is that OK???
p.s.s. Bill was tlaking to you about NORMAL???? What's that?!
Hi Morks,
I just get more and more excited each day! What a wonderful family you are! Love the pictures. The boys will keep you young, well maybe busy and tired, BUT oh so happy!! See you soon.
Hi Morks!
Thanks for the update! I'm SO excited to see you all when you get home. It's been so fun to read the updates and hear what's going on. I think/talk about you guys often! Everyone I talk to is so excited, even if they don't know you!
I'm looking forward to playing with the kids, maybe a little touch football in the backyard?
P.S. I noticed Allen wasn't wearing a helmet. I'm hoping he didn't attempt any triple sow-cows, less he not quite make the turn and take a spill on the ice...
Dear Allen, Mary and Kids,
You are making such good use of your time in the Philippines. Ice skating did not seem a likely event in the tropics. It does seem a good intro to the cold MN weather. Hope your interview is simple and straightforward. What time do you arrive in MSP? Love, Dad and Mom
Well another doctor appointment and no changes. We go back in on Friday morning for a check to see that the baby is still alright. If if comes to needing an induction Sunday would be our earliest possibility so maybe you will be back before we even head in to the hospital. We are praying for you guys. GOd has obviously had his hand on your lives and is already working in the kids lives. We are overjoyed to see His goodness poured out on our family with these kids.
Aaron and Erica
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