We arrived at the Minneapolis airport at 11am on Saturday morning. It had been a long journey but everyone was doing well.
To see our 3 oldest girls at the airport was wonderful and emotional for both of us. We missed them so much while we were gone and to see them greet their new siblings put a big smile on our faces. Allen and I had hoped the weather might be a little bit warmer...but no such luck. The winter jackets made their debut with our kids and they all took it in stride. We even saw a few snowflakes on Saturday!
Everyone was excited to get home. I don't really remember what we did yesterday afternoon, but there was a lot of curiosity and exploring that took place. Bernie was an instant hit with our kids. He is such a good dog for children as he is SO tolerant of tugging, pulling, pushing and carrying. It warmed my heart to see them get to know our dog. Of course, spending time with Lindsay, Kristin and Steph was a highlight as well. With three new children, there are always opportunities for interaction...and that is exactly what we did! Interact. Toward the end of the day, Rodrigo accidentally hit his head on the edge of a space heater. Unfortunately, it required stitches. Fortunately, there is a doctor in the house.
We were startled this morning to find two Filipino boys standing at the edge of our bed at 3:15 a.m. There was no chance of anyone going back to sleep so we popped in a few movies. It was a life saver and allowed Allen and me a few more hours of sleep.
We have started our series of "firsts". We all went to church together as a family today. I do believe that was all a bit overwhelming but we were reminded of how evident that our church body is supportive and ready to love our new children. We are very thankful. The rest of the day was filled with a walk down to the river, grocery shopping, a Target run and reading. Things do not feel "normal" quite yet, but we are heading in that direction!
Welcome Home to All The Morks!! So glad you are finally back! It looks great to see the photos of the kids at your house and in the yard. Sorry to hear about Rodrigo's stiches! It will be fun to see you all out and about! What a wonderful blessing for everyone! Don't worry-we still have you covered in prayer for all the firsts to come this week, month, year... Love, The Berg's
Welcome Home! It was GREAT to see you all at church yesterday! I wondered how you were feeling during the service... finally having your family all together in one row (nearly taking up the whole row, too :)
Thanks for your willingness to allow us to follow your journey through your blog! With three more kids I hope you can still find time to keep us updated.
Good Morning and Welcome Home! We are in the midst of 2 boys...one who had to "hit" the local clinic for an ear infection....we would have never known he had one based on his "active" lifesyle but he had some congestion....Dr. Mork was occupied with other boys...ha ha! We are having a great time "bouncing" from 1 thing to the other.(in Alabama)No time to plan, just DO it! Have a great week and see you soon! Love, Rox and Ken
Welcome Home Mork Family!!
Welcome Home! It was so good to see you yesterday and to hear a little of how things are going. We will continue to pray for you as you all learn what the new normal is!
We are the Tweetens, and I am Terry and Sherill Port's daughter. We have adopted 2 daughters, and love watching God unite other families through adoption. My dad gave me your website, and I've enjoyed following your trip. We looked into adopting from the Phillipines also, but God led us to China and Taiwan. :) Congratulations, your family is beautiful.
Duane and Andrea Tweeten
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